are kitty and herc overpowered?

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are kitty and herc overpowered? 188 votes
58 votes
130 votes
While they can cheese fights, there are many variants and nodes, where other champs are more useful
Hercules is annoying thanks to his looong special attacks, nothing else
In attack Kitty requires some skills to handle her propperly
In the other hand, Hercules is really easy to use
To be overpowered, you need to be good on both defense and offense 🤷🏻
So, Quake and Ghost aren't overpowered either, then?
They're both basically harmless on defense...
I do agree that the word overpowered can be interpreted differently, as has been done by you against me, vice versa.
When Quake gets hit, she just dies. That's it.
I knew it! Mr. Miike is from Texas… or atleast has descendants from. 🤯
Oh and btw Herc needs a buff.
or am i from texas and didn’t know it?
My porridge is JUUUST right. 🙃