Kraven rank down tickets didn't give back gold or ISO-8 [Merged Threads]



  • SecondSkrillerSecondSkriller Member Posts: 1,347 ★★★★★

    Hmm, I had a feeling that I should check the forums before I headed to bed, and I'm glad I did. I've reported this to the team, and I will make sure we look into it in the morning. Rest assured, anybody that has already used these tickets will receive the items that they are missing.

    I won’t fault you for this one, it sucks, but atleast it should be an easy fix. And you did well answering before going to sleep 👍
  • MoeLesterMoeLester Member Posts: 17
    Just happened to me from r5 all the way down to r1, i was planning to r5 a different skill champ in his place but only had skill iso so i figured they gave it back as standard iso but now here i am with no skill or basic iso and a r3 kingpin and almost out of gold. Just once I'd like something to go smoothly on this game.
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,984 ★★★★★
    Guytennis said:

    Is kraven good. Just got him. Should I rank him up?

    Yes, he's decent. You might not find good feedback here, though. People are upset he was fixed.
  • rwhackrwhack Member Posts: 1,076 ★★★
    Do we need to submit a ticket for not getting any mats back or will these materials automatically be refunded to us?
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,984 ★★★★★
    rwhack said:

    Do we need to submit a ticket for not getting any mats back or will these materials automatically be refunded to us?

    If Miike informed the team, it should be done manually.
  • Man2thMan2th Member Posts: 54
  • SecondSkrillerSecondSkriller Member Posts: 1,347 ★★★★★

    Guytennis said:

    Is kraven good. Just got him. Should I rank him up?

    Yes, he's decent. You might not find good feedback here, though. People are upset he was fixed.
    As someone who used him way more than GroundedWisdom, he’s no longer decent, due to the AI reacting differently when rooted now. They will throw light attacks instead of heavy spamming, which makes Kraven very inconsistent and dangerous to play.
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,984 ★★★★★
    People said the same thing after Mole Man was fixed. He's still good. A good Champ is still a good Champ without the cheese.
  • SchapenkopSchapenkop Member Posts: 89
    Yeah missing my cats too after using rank down ticket :(
  • LatamayoLatamayo Member Posts: 34
    So what's the deal when are they going to give the gold and iso back that is supposed to be returned ?
  • Vegeta9001Vegeta9001 Member Posts: 1,711 ★★★★★

    People said the same thing after Mole Man was fixed. He's still good. A good Champ is still a good Champ without the cheese.

    Nah, the majority of Kravens kit relied on the root, all his damage came from hitting rooted targets and now that they sometimes just spam attacks, you can't reliably get that damage off anymore, he went from good to below meh. He isn't trash, but he isn't worth taking above r2, I had him at r4 and took him down to r3 was debating taking him down to r2 but the catalysts aren't needed as a paragon.
  • DoubledashDoubledash Member Posts: 78
    This is the same for me, also didn’t get any Cats back. Ranked him down and lost all resources.
    I love the July bugathon. 😞
  • KossukoseKossukose Member Posts: 61
    edited July 2023
    Same here didn't get Any resources back
  • Jez25Jez25 Member Posts: 48
    edited July 2023
    Same here. As usual. Got "SCAMMED" by KABAM. Lets see how long they take to fix and compensate this.
  • SkreddySkreddy Member Posts: 45
    One more who didn’t get catalysts or gold or ISO back when dropping Kraven from R3 to R1.
  • barzeyjbarzeyj Member Posts: 1
    Same issue here my 5* from 4-1
  • SearmenisSearmenis Member Posts: 1,759 ★★★★★
    What about the SIG STONES we invested in the champion?
  • Eb0ny-O-M4wEb0ny-O-M4w Member Posts: 14,159 ★★★★★
    Still haven't got my message with the RDT's
  • This content has been removed.
  • IamNortonIamNorton Member Posts: 26

    Started rank down with 1.4 mil gold, took from r3 to r1, ended with 1.4 mil gold.

    Same got nothing in return
  • Bazooka_1Bazooka_1 Member Posts: 53
    edited July 2023

    Hmm, I had a feeling that I should check the forums before I headed to bed, and I'm glad I did. I've reported this to the team, and I will make sure we look into it in the morning. Rest assured, anybody that has already used these tickets will receive the items that they are missing.

    Can't Kabam do anything right? I have like 3 tickets that I am getting beat in the head about, that kabam is refusing to do anything about. I ask simple questions and the support gives me some long drawn out bs answer. I bought every 4th of July deal and some, and I get treated like a homeless begger by support and I am a whale. Then there's constant problems in game, can't even copy and paste a rank down ticket to a different champ without messing it up. I'm really starting to feel ĺike Kabam just doesn't care about the customers at all and honestly I spent so much money that I feel like going to Google and getting it back so that I go negative units and I am forced not to buy anything else.
    What is up with the people who actually know how to make the game work right? Are they the people that got laid off? If not, then whomever is responsible for all these mistakes and problems should be fired and Kabam should hire someone that makes sure that the release of things isn't a failure at every point.
    I am a customer and I am not happy. I love this game but the way its been and the way kabam has treated me... I now feel bad when I spend money. I want to feel good when I spend money on something I enjoy, but it's the opposite now.
    I am sure I am not the only customer who feels like this.
    Please show this to someone that might see it for what it is and save MCOC before its to late.
    Also when can I get my gold and iso from the champ I had to rank down because kabam ruined him in addition to Baron Zemo which I spent 100$ to rank up?
    Not everyone reads the forums or trellis boards. Going to another website and studying every move ķabam makes shouldn't be a requirement to play a game. I should be able to trust Kabam not to screw me over to make it right when they make mistakes, and to not be spending more time trying to figure out how to avoid responsibility then making the game fun. It is after all nothing that you guys are actually selling.
    It'd be nice if Kascam wasn't a word, wouldn't it?

  • Bazooka_1Bazooka_1 Member Posts: 53
    Whoever disagreed with my comment what do you disagree with? Or you just spamming disagree because I see an awfully alot of 1 disagree on each comment. Please let's hear what you think
  • SearmenisSearmenis Member Posts: 1,759 ★★★★★
    Bazooka_1 said:

    Whoever disagreed with my comment what do you disagree with? Or you just spamming disagree because I see an awfully alot of 1 disagree on each comment. Please let's hear what you think

    It s a troll disagree, don't mind it. There s a lot of players that feel the way you do.
  • Grady_goebGrady_goeb Member Posts: 3
    Striderz said:

    Same here. Used 3>2 and 2>1 and didn't get any resources back

    Exact same thing happened to me I got nothing no iso gold cats anything?
  • UnyonfaceUnyonface Member Posts: 662 ★★★
    Bazooka_1 said:

    Whoever disagreed with my comment what do you disagree with? Or you just spamming disagree because I see an awfully alot of 1 disagree on each comment. Please let's hear what you think

    There is a disagree troll on the forums lol

  • Zamolxes91Zamolxes91 Member Posts: 6
    Is there any update regarding this bug ? Or Kabam just looking on the other window ?
  • Bazooka_1Bazooka_1 Member Posts: 53
    Unyonface said:

    Bazooka_1 said:

    Whoever disagreed with my comment what do you disagree with? Or you just spamming disagree because I see an awfully alot of 1 disagree on each comment. Please let's hear what you think

    There is a disagree troll on the forums lol

    Yeah I've noticed they probably work for kascam
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