MERGED THREADS: Connection Issues

MEŦAPħҰSMEŦAPħҰS Member Posts: 340 ★★
edited June 2017 in General Discussion
Several players in our alliance are experiencing connection issues in game. Is this another mass event or does it seem to be localized to a few unlucky players?



  • KlaywikiKlaywiki Member Posts: 41
    It's widespread folks.
  • Finalflash8Finalflash8 Member Posts: 72
    Same with ours. Multiple players can't log in
  • Golden_GuardianGolden_Guardian Member Posts: 37
    Same here.
  • AppleisgodAppleisgod Member Posts: 1,420 ★★★★
    As soon as I try to move in quests it says that I'm not connected to the internet
  • trackafeetrackafee Member Posts: 8
  • ZenismightyZenismighty Member Posts: 4
    I try to be positive. Hard thoigh
  • c9xc9x Member Posts: 18
    Same, I randomly keep getting:

    problems connecting to network please check your connection

    and i've tried 3 different I know it isn't my internet...

  • JusthandgunsJusthandguns Member Posts: 1
    Says no internet connection.....
  • IrvineIrvine Member Posts: 13
    Oh bloody hell another bug I'm guessing
  • MightylibraMightylibra Member Posts: 185
    Same problem, I'm on IOs. It seems Kabam have to give out SL and DV for free to everyone.
  • OltorfOltorf Member Posts: 34
    Another day another server outage....
  • WafflesalldayWafflesallday Member Posts: 189
    First I kept timing out trying to join arena. Now can't get on at all
  • Aftab_sidAftab_sid Member Posts: 24
    Hi kabam n not to mention again i am a victim to ur pathetic servers i won the fight in my war just for your game to crash n kick me out of the fight n when i return back the opponent is back to full health n my half health is gone this is getting worse day by day
  • Neal2158Neal2158 Member Posts: 53
    Same here, need tge next 3-4 hours to hit milestones in t4b arena
  • WeaponXWeaponX Member Posts: 143
    Yep, network issues for all
  • BlackScorpion78BlackScorpion78 Member Posts: 15
    Same here. Kabam, since this last update the game turned to a complete disaster.
  • FireStorm34FireStorm34 Member Posts: 83
    edited June 2017
    server issues again during starlord arena this is starting to take the piss now

    getting to point off quiting
  • Kabam MiikeKabam Miike Moderator Posts: 8,269
    edited June 2017
    We're looking into this right now. I witnessed it for a moment, but am now back in and fighting. Are you guys still having problems?

    EDIT: Nevermind. Still seeing issues. The Team is on it right now.
  • LilWolfyLilWolfy Member Posts: 42
    So I failed at getting voodoo yesterday due to sever outage on android ...

    So I'm grinding again and not only is the game ridiculously slow, or stops loading in arena , it now wouldn't connect , wouldn't log in n now won't load anything

    seriously what is the point of you guys putting on a arena event ... it's a joke!
  • c9xc9x Member Posts: 18
    We're looking into this right now. I witnessed it for a moment, but am now back in and fighting. Are you guys still having problems?

    Hey Miike, yes we are
  • TsunaniTsunani Member Posts: 173
    We're looking into this right now. I witnessed it for a moment, but am now back in and fighting. Are you guys still having problems?

    Yes, keeps disconnecting.
  • CawnbreadCawnbread Member Posts: 19
    Wow not once but twice this is gonna happen while trying to grind for SL. Getting real tired of this
  • Manup456Manup456 Member Posts: 891 ★★★★
    The sad part is the game will load eventually and you go to start a fight in arena you get network issues and then either it keeps loading or you get kicked out.
  • Crammer2020Crammer2020 Member Posts: 45
    We're looking into this right now. I witnessed it for a moment, but am now back in and fighting. Are you guys still having problems?

    it lets me back in sometimes but then it loses connection....keep getting kicked out
  • AppleisgodAppleisgod Member Posts: 1,420 ★★★★
    We're looking into this right now. I witnessed it for a moment, but am now back in and fighting. Are you guys still having problems?

    EDIT: Nevermind. Still seeing issues. The Team is on it right now.

    Well that was quick cheers
  • JadedJaded Member Posts: 5,477 ★★★★★
    This is dumb af...bug after bug.

  • wattyyyyyywattyyyyyy Member Posts: 28
    Yeah, this issue occurred during an AW fight, and came back with half health. Sucks. Oh well. Looking forward to a resolution.
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