Account Issues

Before I go into my main issues I had with my account, I know my thread is going to get locked or deleted for a stupid reason of use their support ticket, in which I did sent a ticket and never gotten a respond back from their support team because how poorly they do at their job with not solving issues of their loyal customers such as myself. My main issues are how it started with me playing the thanos act and mind you I already beaten it but only did it for a quick xp and to level up my five star characters, also to point out that I never use any mods to cheat my way to beat the thanos act nor the labyrinth of legends since I was using some of those characters I earn as a reward from beating that quest. I get a connection issue for no reason even though my network is running just fine before, my connection went back to normal after that and I was at the end of the act where you fight drax the destroyer. I use my five star Morningstar against him and I won the battle with no trouble at all and after I got pass the victory screen it told me I got a 720 hours banned for some non existing violation for their term of service. Now this did not happen the first time I got banned which was just a 7 day ban but what is really gets me upset is that I was banned without no reason at all and I was playing legit without any mods. also they ban me like what a weeks after or even a months go by, so why does their system so bad at catching real cheaters and banning innocent customers such as myself. and I know there are going to be ignorant people saying well you cheated and deal with it hue hue hue, if you were in my shoes you would say the samething and there is legit cheaters out there like god is a gamer who records and make the mod himself to brag about and never gets a ban at all. so I brush it off at first but now kabam starting over riding my account without permission and deleting certain top champions I worked so hard on and payed my hard earn cash on. the 7 day ban got when it was over, they never sent me the message but until they sent it to me either days later when my reason of my ban or never sent me the reason. other issue I had was my unit store told me that I the purchases are no longer available and to go to their support in which brings back to my point of this thread that they never responded back in one day since that what they told me. they even blocked my card you know that special offer they give you some pieces of shards to form a crystal well I purchase a 3 star one like that and they even blocked that too. very nice admin abuse of you guys to treat me like utter garbage, I never even go on any alliance group nor talk in chat because how toxic the community is. funny how I can catch obvious cheaters and scammers who want to either publish fake links into the chat and spam it nonstop like a lmaobox user on team fortress 2 so that they can hack into your account. they post fake links saying hey you want free units and my husband and I been doing this for years so click the fake click bait link below, why it is that you pick on the obvious good loyal guy who has been playing for a year or months and I have a bunch of characters I keep even if there bad but also good characters that are three to four to five star characters that I spend more time and money or grinding hard to get rewards that are impossible to get because your system is rigged and cheats me out. yet the person I spoke about is spamming non stop with no admin or mod to put the mute button him and he just has a 1 star wolverine and trying to scam and hack people's accounts. serious go ahead lock my thread and throw away the key or be a coward and delete the thread. try to avoid my serious issue you guys can't even solve and you guys act as worst as valve support.


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