Ultron prime or Ultron aou in the nightmare crystal

The new nightmare crystal for next month has the Ultron labeled as Ultron prime. To me that references the Ultron from 100 percent clear of lol not the one in the basic 5 star pool. Can we get a quick clarification on this? If it miss labeled so be it but I'd rather it say age of Ultron or classic so we know which one it actually is. Thank you
The one from 100% LOL is called Ultron Classic
I was confused at first too, and assumed it was AoU one (not sure why they just didn't state that to begin with...)
I've never once seen or heard AOU called prime. And I did some looking before I asked. I just want a clear answer from a mod or Mike. I don't care if I'm wrong or right I just honestly have never seen anyone call AOU prime so I'm asking.
I agree its confusing. AOU is a slang term of sorts that the community gave him when they introduced "Classic Ultron" as the LOL reward.
Thank you! That's all I wanted and figured so.
Awesome! Thanks @stewman I appreciate the help and actually being nice about it as well.