AW portals, do they count for anything in the AW score?

WhoseIsWhoseIs Member Posts: 19
I’ve read from many places that they count towards exploration but without any actual evidence that they do. I’ve traveled through them and saw no points float above them as I traversed them like when you do on an empty defender node. Also my battle group has gotten 100% exploration while missing some of the portals.

The AW scoring update from December never outright says whether they count for anything or not so could I get a final answer on if they do? Please and thank you.


  • LeNoirFaineantLeNoirFaineant Member Posts: 8,685 ★★★★★
    They absolutely count for exploration. Can't 100% the map if you miss a portal
  • WhoseIsWhoseIs Member Posts: 19
    As I said in my original comment my battle group has gotten 100% while missing some of the portals.
  • LeNoirFaineantLeNoirFaineant Member Posts: 8,685 ★★★★★
    @WhoseIs if that's the case then don't worry about it. You can't get more than 100%. I know for a fact that in the past you couldn't 100% with a missed portal but maybe they changed it.
  • WhoseIsWhoseIs Member Posts: 19
    It’s just a debate we’re having in my alliance and it’d be nice to know if you can skip them if there’s a portal path already taken by a teammate in order to save on energy.
  • StrStr Member Posts: 547 ★★
    We have missed a portal once and our overall exploration was 99.7% i believe. So based on this, i thought they counted. Seen it from opposition alliances too.
  • WhoseIsWhoseIs Member Posts: 19
    @Str is that recently or before the December scoring update?
  • Kabam MiikeKabam Miike Moderator Posts: 8,268
    Portals DO count for exploration. The reason that you don't see any points display when you walk over them is because those points you see are the "Attack Bonus" that you automatically receive for walking over an empty Node that could have had a Defender placed on it.
  • WhoseIsWhoseIs Member Posts: 19
    Thanks @Kabam Miike! Debate over.
  • StrStr Member Posts: 547 ★★
    edited April 2018
    Portals DO count for exploration. The reason that you don't see any points display when you walk over them is because those points you see are the "Attack Bonus" that you automatically receive for walking over an empty Node that could have had a Defender placed on it.

    Thanks @Kabam Miike for the prompt reply. I know kabam have come to a lot of grief for communication recently so we really do appreciate your work. Many thanks again.
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