Is Dungeons Kingpin Broken?

Let me start off by saying I love dungeons, the concept and the node variety is awesome. I especially like nodes such as slumber, which stuns the enemy for a good twenty seconds before they awake with +1000% attack. The node is so much fun as you’ve got to defeat the enemy in the set amount of time before the awake, or you’re finished. However today I went up against a Kingpin who had an Unblockable SP2 and slumber node on him. Naturally I asked my partner to take out the Unblockable node as his SP2 is a nightmare to dexterity. It started off normal, Kingpin got one hit into my block at the start before going into this long stun. I’m hitting and hitting him, trying to get his health down abd there’s a good 15 seconds left before he awakes, then all of a sudden he negates the stun with his Rage and K.O’s me with three hits into my block. It defeats the entire purpose of the node is he gets the benefits without the downside. Is it just me or is this unfair? Should Kabam fix it or should or should I just suck it up and face the Unblockable SP?
Or doesn't that apply?
Nah the hits come in quick succession, you don’t have time to block
What champion do you think would be best against him? My Archangel was the one who got demolished. Maybe if he was awakened Kingpin would loose all ability accuracy and be unable to do trigger Rage.
I don't think anything good will come out of it
15 seconds stun isn't enough to actually kill the opponent and that 1000% increase is just gonna be a dangerous node to deal with. I prefer bane to it
So bait his S1. I've fought him at least 8 times today (probably 11 or 12 times), he only got his S2 once and I pushed him to S3 right away (playing with Iceman) so I didn't have to deal with his S2 at all.
I came across a crossbones who shrugged it off at the start of the fight.
Will mordo use astral evade when stunned this way?
I would only risk it with Drax, X23, Elektra or Iceman.
AA is not good against kingpin because Kingpin will just eat about half of those debuffs and turn them into rage.
That being said, you can practically use any champ to take out Kingpin (even AA). You just keep baiting his SP1 and countering. If Kingpin is awakened, it will take only 2 5-hit combo to take him to 1 bar of power, then you bait again.
And if you do push him to his SP2, that is still baitable. There's actually a gap between his SP2's melee and his SP2's laser attack. 5 duels against a Kingpin should be more than enough for you to learn to evade his SP2.
Or treat him like Crossbones - parry stun, then wait. If after half a second he's still stun, attack. If he converts to rage, back off
I've killed many defenders that have slumber. As long as the PI gap between me and defender is not ridiculous, I'd choose slumber. 15 seconds is a really long time.
never push him to SP2 his SP1 is very easy to evade,
Cheers, I’ll try that
YES found this out the hard way. Warning he will astral evade and it’s over wait out the stun and guess what it’s still over lol 😂
Like Zibiit said, Kingpin isn't broken: he's doing exactly what he's supposed to do.
Archangel is a bad choice to fight Kingpin at the best of times; despite class advantage, as AA attacks too many debuffs too quickly. Get any eight debuffs on him without converting to passive Neurotoxins, and he'll shrug the lot off, gain a massive Fury boost, and kick you where it hurts. Add +1000% Attack from a Slumber node on top of that; and it must have been a pretty one-sided fight!
The same is true (to varying degrees) for Crossbones, Agent Venom and King Groot.
Rogue would be a Slumber node opponent to avoid, too; as she reduces debuff duration by 70%...