I think this is it. I Quit!



  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,983 ★★★★★
    Should probablt specify. I meant 800k+ per 2 hour Recharge. Lol. Some people call a Round the 3 day Arena. :)
  • Mr_PlatypusMr_Platypus Member Posts: 2,779 ★★★★★
    Come on now, you can’t say you lost out to people that have no life whilst also saying you stayed up till 6am multiple days.
    The people you missed out too likely did 1-2 rounds per day to score more.
  • GwendolineGwendoline Member Posts: 945 ★★★
    I just wasted the last three days grinding the life out of me in the arena trying to get the 4* Nightcrawler. The only character I love the most and I hoped my 1.7M would be enough, but nope, only ended in the 11% ranking, thus, more useless shards. The one character, ONE, character I wanted the most and I can't get him cause there are just so many other people with higher levels and more time then I have to waste life grinding away all day and night. I stayed up till 6am for two of the three days grinding away, did the best I could between working, sleeping and eating, you know, the necessities of life and still, STILL, couldn't get enough. I'm tired and done! I don't have to time or money to waste on this game any longer. The crystal drop rates are pathetic, the amount of shards needed to get the higher level catalyst crystals and alpha catalysts are insane and impossible to get. The level of points needed to win a arena contest is beyond ridiculous, plus the time needed to achieve 2,3,4 million points in absolutely insane. I don't have time for this nonsense. Someone let me know when the requirements come down to some acceptable level where a casual player can get some enjoyment out of the game.

    One character, ONE! That's all I wanted and now I'm out three F* days. Thanks. I QUIT!

    The requirements will only go up, not down. Because more people will have a bigger roster and will be able to reach higher points easier.

    I’d like to know, how old is your acocunt?
  • Blax4everBlax4ever Member Posts: 683 ★★★
    Sorry you feel like your effort was wasted when you didn’t get Night Crawler. I’m assuming you are relatively new player or a very casual player.

    As many are posting the longer you play the larger your roster will become and the easier it becomes to put score points in the arena.

    If you read thru the forum topics you will see many knowledgeable players pointing out some of the structural design flaws in the game that are leading to more players becoming disillusioned with the game. The arena is a flash point in many of those discussions.

    Don’t pay any attention to the thread trolls, making D-bag comments is like sex for them or something. There are way more supportive players in the community than the trolls would have you believe.

    And lastly, shards are not worthless, this game is not about instant gratification it’s about accumulation over long periods of time and gradual progression.
  • MagrailothosMagrailothos Member Posts: 6,201 ★★★★★
    You've had plenty of constructive advice; so I won't add any - it's all been said.

    From me: my sympathy. Better luck next time - but don't forget to take the advice, and you can make your own luck.

    Take a break; come back casual and just enjoy it at your own pace. Nightcrawler will come in time.

  • RagamugginGunnerRagamugginGunner Member Posts: 2,210 ★★★★★
    I just wasted the last three days grinding the life out of me in the arena trying to get the 4* Nightcrawler. The only character I love the most and I hoped my 1.7M would be enough, but nope, only ended in the 11% ranking, thus, more useless shards. The one character, ONE, character I wanted the most and I can't get him cause there are just so many other people with higher levels and more time then I have to waste life grinding away all day and night. I stayed up till 6am for two of the three days grinding away, did the best I could between working, sleeping and eating, you know, the necessities of life and still, STILL, couldn't get enough. I'm tired and done! I don't have to time or money to waste on this game any longer. The crystal drop rates are pathetic, the amount of shards needed to get the higher level catalyst crystals and alpha catalysts are insane and impossible to get. The level of points needed to win a arena contest is beyond ridiculous, plus the time needed to achieve 2,3,4 million points in absolutely insane. I don't have time for this nonsense. Someone let me know when the requirements come down to some acceptable level where a casual player can get some enjoyment out of the game.

    One character, ONE! That's all I wanted and now I'm out three F* days. Thanks. I QUIT!

    I remember when I missed NC the first time...putting up over 5M.
  • StrategicStrategic Member Posts: 632 ★★★
    Dude NC is a very good champ and only 1.7 mil for him is very low. You should always aim as high as you can but base your grinding on the 1st round and grind on the 2nd.
    That's what I do and I usually grind about 1 mil or more than 1st round's cutoff.
    If you're new I can understand the mistake, if not then you made a noob mistake.
  • BahamutBahamut Member Posts: 2,307 ★★★★
    edited May 2018
    That’s not really Kabam’s fault. You tried your best, it wasn’t enough. It’s not like a bug effed you over. I’m not saying you shouldn’t quit (IMO if you quit, you’re smarter than me), but in this situation, I think you’re over reacting.
  • GwendolineGwendoline Member Posts: 945 ★★★
    Strategic wrote: »
    Dude NC is a very good champ and only 1.7 mil for him is very low. You should always aim as high as you can but base your grinding on the 1st round and grind on the 2nd.
    That's what I do and I usually grind about 1 mil or more than 1st round's cutoff.
    If you're new I can understand the mistake, if not then you made a noob mistake.

    He did go as high as he could. He just couldn't put up more then 1.7mil yet.
  • Sac123_Sac123_ Member Posts: 258
    I just wasted the last three days grinding the life out of me in the arena trying to get the 4* Nightcrawler. The only character I love the most and I hoped my 1.7M would be enough, but nope, only ended in the 11% ranking, thus, more useless shards. The one character, ONE, character I wanted the most and I can't get him cause there are just so many other people with higher levels and more time then I have to waste life grinding away all day and night. I stayed up till 6am for two of the three days grinding away, did the best I could between working, sleeping and eating, you know, the necessities of life and still, STILL, couldn't get enough. I'm tired and done! I don't have to time or money to waste on this game any longer. The crystal drop rates are pathetic, the amount of shards needed to get the higher level catalyst crystals and alpha catalysts are insane and impossible to get. The level of points needed to win a arena contest is beyond ridiculous, plus the time needed to achieve 2,3,4 million points in absolutely insane. I don't have time for this nonsense. Someone let me know when the requirements come down to some acceptable level where a casual player can get some enjoyment out of the game.

    One character, ONE! That's all I wanted and now I'm out three F* days. Thanks. I QUIT!

    Max all your 3*s and you’ll be able to put up a lot more points with the infinite streak strategy in basic arena. Most players have gone all out for an arena champ and not scored high enough to get that champ. It’s almost a rite of passage with gaining MCOC experience.

    Exactly! I was there before about a year ago when cable came up in arena. I had a tiny roster and bring day and night to 4 mil witch was the largest accomplishment I ever had in game back then, then I didn't get him. In fact, my friend got him at 4,016,000 so one more round would have gotten him. I didmt run arenas for a month. But, whenever he comes up agian you can bet i'mma get him easily now
  • FloorKillerFloorKiller Member Posts: 152 ★★
    u want him so bad, but u aren't ready to grind for it, lol. In first basic arena with I've scored 7.1m for him. In SL featured arena I've score 9.9m to make I will get him. when u want to go for a champs, u must check predictions for him, prepare your roster and plan your grinding. not just deliberately score 1.7m and wait for a free NC. just my poor opinion.....😉
  • Nitro422Nitro422 Member Posts: 276
    IMO grinding for champs is a falacy for most of us. With my current roster I can put up 2.5m if I go hard and spend the time, but I don't want to put so much time in the game, it burns me out. Instead i grind to about 1.7m, as that is where the 11% usually falls. I rather have the shards, sure, I've gotten my karnacs and carnages, but that's also how I got my blade, starky, and magik and iceman. I rather have the shards, and spend less time grinding. Think about it
  • ThatweirdguyThatweirdguy Member Posts: 675 ★★★
    Leave before you get too invested. What happened to you is a normal occurrence.
  • BigDudeBigDude Member Posts: 82
    4* Basics should be a milestone. Hell, it is a 4* they are the new three star. Get people interested and playing again Kabam. throw them a bone, and make 4* basics a milestone. Hell, I may even do arena to fill out my roster, if that is the case.
  • Savio444Savio444 Member Posts: 1,781 ★★★★
    I just wasted the last three days grinding the life out of me in the arena trying to get the 4* Nightcrawler. The only character I love the most and I hoped my 1.7M would be enough, but nope, only ended in the 11% ranking, thus, more useless shards. The one character, ONE, character I wanted the most and I can't get him cause there are just so many other people with higher levels and more time then I have to waste life grinding away all day and night. I stayed up till 6am for two of the three days grinding away, did the best I could between working, sleeping and eating, you know, the necessities of life and still, STILL, couldn't get enough. I'm tired and done! I don't have to time or money to waste on this game any longer. The crystal drop rates are pathetic, the amount of shards needed to get the higher level catalyst crystals and alpha catalysts are insane and impossible to get. The level of points needed to win a arena contest is beyond ridiculous, plus the time needed to achieve 2,3,4 million points in absolutely insane. I don't have time for this nonsense. Someone let me know when the requirements come down to some acceptable level where a casual player can get some enjoyment out of the game.

    One character, ONE! That's all I wanted and now I'm out three F* days. Thanks. I QUIT!
    Yes but those “many other people” were probably where you are now at some point. It took me ages to get enough champs ranked up to do the basic arena. I remember my full first champ from the arena I got was black bolt dupe as he was my first 4*. A lot of progression is required to be able to get these champs in arena. If you do decide to keep playing I would suggest to get every 4* you get to at least rank 3. Then the good useful 4* champs to rank 4 later on. Max as many 3* as possible as they will help for infinite streaks and things like that. This is what I did and now I am able to get most basic champs with a day or less of grinding. As I do remember and know what it feels like to try so hard and miss but I didn’t just give up. With this new 5* arena the cut offs for the basic 4* has dropped by a large amount so 1.7m for the first round was pretty low. Good luck.

  • Armaganon00Armaganon00 Member Posts: 741 ★★
    Never just put 1.7 mil... always do 2 +
  • DOA40DOA40 Member Posts: 94
    OP, I did the same. Grinded the hell out of the IWCA 4* Arena, staying up about 18 hours for the entire 3 days. Did I get him? Nope. Did I get him from the Crystals? Nope, cause the percentages of 4* drops are horrible and I got nothing but useless 2*s from the ones I've opened.

    You have to realize that probably most of the people in Arenas are cheating. They are getting teammates who play the game while they are asleep to log on to their accounts and run the Arenas for them. It's why Kabam needs to seriously take a look at the ridiculous scores that are being put for these Arenas and maybe think about doing another rework of them.

    I'm not saying that all players are cheating, but there are probably quite a few that are and need account banned for violating the rules.

    I've learned that stressing yourself out over these things just isn't worth it. You'll get him eventually.
  • UC439UC439 Member Posts: 261
    edited May 2018
    & here I'm frustrated to pull nightcrawler after nightcrawler after nightcrawler from my 4* pulls.

    Small suggestion:
    Unless the character needs to be duped, grind arena in the second round, u'll get an idea of cutoff from first round. (If u dont have the character and also it needs to duped, pass the arena on, it absolutely boring to grind arena for 6 days. Just try ur luck from crystal pulls in future for it)
  • Kabam ZibiitKabam Zibiit Administrator Posts: 7,033
    Hey y'all, since this has gotten a bit non-constructive, we are going to go ahead and close this thread down. That being said, we do really appreciate those who responded to provide helpful advice for running arenas and getting the most out of your roster in the arenas.
This discussion has been closed.