Game slows down

MrKillaChrisMrKillaChris Member Posts: 176
While playing I lost a match the enterted back into fight with Medusa and then saw it was moving slow

Here's a video of it.


  • AndyBaron7AndyBaron7 Member Posts: 359
    Game speed changes in fights happens a lot to me. Can occur mid fight also usually when the launch a special 2 like raccoon or the new domino. You know you can evade it then it get launched and comes at you fast slow fast almost like the ai planned it to make sure you don’t escape it lol
  • AndyBaron7AndyBaron7 Member Posts: 359
    After all it’s mcoc the game you must relearn every update due to bugs lol but you won’t escape them all that’s for sure. Then you find yourself in this place again. Seeking help and hoping you get it. Can’t wait for the day I don’t need to come on here anymore for bug assistance.......... wishful thinking ..........
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  • MrKillaChrisMrKillaChris Member Posts: 176
    Wishful thinking indeed...
  • Kabam PorthosKabam Porthos Moderator Posts: 4,676
    Hey MrKillaChris, I’m really sorry to hear you experienced this issue! We're always trying to make improvements to the game's performance and community input is vital in helping us with this process, so we really appreciate reports such as this.

    In an effort to help keep everyone's comments about lag and performance issues more organized, we have created two dedicated threads and a bug reporting template. If you're playing the game on an Android device, please give us your feedback by providing the information we have requested HERE. If you're an iOS user, THIS is the relevant place to report these issues. The bug reporting template can be found on the first page of each discussion.

    Thank you very much in advance for your help. We truly appreciate your patience as we work to make the game run as smoothly as possible across as many devices as possible!
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