10k Unit deal (5* Marvelous Crystal

In game mail shows a set of champs that would lead quite a few people over the edge to purchasing all the deals and spending 15k units, but when you purchase this deal and you get your 5*Marvelous crystal you will be very sad to see mo infinity war iron man but hey they put bishop in there. This is a classic bait and switch and just scorns the player for spending they're units they either worked to get or paid with they're hard earned cash. Fix this the right way kabam give the people that bought this offer the right crystal as stated in our in game mail and allow them to keep the crystal you "mistakenly" threw in there.

This discussion has been closed.
We've since fixed this issue, and will be updating this thread here with further details on this: http://forums.playcontestofchampions.com/en/discussion/79320/5-star-marvelous-crystal-merged-threads#latest
Take a look there, as some of your questions may have already been answered!