Corvus Glaive not gaining charges

I was just in AQ using Corvus.
I defeated a tech sentinel, then fought a classic spiderman, waitd until he evaded then parry and heavy attack to knock him down.
I went into my third fight and had ZERO glaive charges.
I just defeated a mutant champ, but had no more energy to move on so not sure yet if this charge is going to show up or not.
I've been using Corvus, X-23, & Quake for my AQ team for months and have never not gained charges for these scenarios.
Is this a known issue?
Has anybody else experienced this?
I haven't been on forums in a while and couldn't find anything on search.
(Search in the forums is still trash)
I defeated a tech sentinel, then fought a classic spiderman, waitd until he evaded then parry and heavy attack to knock him down.
I went into my third fight and had ZERO glaive charges.
I just defeated a mutant champ, but had no more energy to move on so not sure yet if this charge is going to show up or not.
I've been using Corvus, X-23, & Quake for my AQ team for months and have never not gained charges for these scenarios.
Is this a known issue?
Has anybody else experienced this?
I haven't been on forums in a while and couldn't find anything on search.
(Search in the forums is still trash)
Read the bottom portion of the original post
Has nothing to do with what op said
Yes Corvus knocks out down an enemy that evaded and didn’t recieve a mission’s exacrly what the post is about haha, you just have to read the entire post and you’ll start to do well on these forums!
I read that post. All it talks about is how Glaive charges interact with bleed. The OP said he isnt getting charges from completing missions. Maybe you should read entire posts and begin to understand topics better.
@Icecold2099 like I said, hes working just fine.
Ok go to the post again and look down past the pictures, there is a paragraph that you haven’t seen obviously lol my god!
1 small paragraph...... Still doesnt help him. By the way, its not a bug. You have to knock an evade champ down, not out. Using a heavy to end the fight doesnt count.
It does help him because if he didn’t gain a charge it’s becuase he knocked him out of the fight with a heavy. Do you see the correlation now!
Please just stop. You aren't helping. If you cant see the difference in OP's complaint vs your inaccurate claim for a bug post, you don't belong on this thread.
I didn't knock out the evade champ, i only knocked him down with a heavy after he evaded.
I use Corvus in every single AQ so I'm familiar with having to knock thwm down after evade and prior to KO to gst the charge.
Not sure what happened in the beginning of this AQ.
Thanks for your comments
Please keep the discussion civil and on topic.
Many thanks,
I’m not entirely sure, but I think for him rebooting the game (hard exit, restart app) fixed it.
This was during the overload of issues and haven’t heard him since on this, but might give it a shot. If the restart works, something is definitely amiss.
Ikd try it, but... no Corvus for me yet