2* or 3* Deal Idea

Several people haven’t been lucky enough to pull champs like Wasp or IMIW. It would be nice for Kabam to at least offer a deal in the unit store so some people can buy a 2* or 3* so they can complete content. The very newness of the characters is a really bad roadblock.
She took me a decent grind to get but for some the rng has not delivered in weeks of work which is pretty crappy.
While your opinion is appreciated, your arrogance is not. Please refrain from calling people stupid. It is abusive behavior. This is a community, not a school playground. No need for name calling.
While I have been playing for years and have 3-4* of each champ needed, I also realize other do not. While, yes, they offer the champs in 1-on-1 Arena wins, not everyone has time to grind them. Some people have jobs and real life that get in the way (and are more precedent) then grinding out 100-1000 crystals.
My suggestion is simply for those that are missing a champ or two. Being a unit store offer, it is a chance for Kabam to make a little money too (as not all offers are aimed at end players, but various players).
I tend to agree with the one saying stupid. Maybe less the wording (probably not though), but this was known for weeks on end. Announced in stickied threads, mailed in game, in other words, it has been communicated extensively and exhaustingly.
This is yet another facepalm worthy thread.
And because it’s ‘yet another’, you were the receiving end of being called ‘stupid’.
But, if you search, you’ll be glad to find you’re not the first one to be called that or something to that extent. So there’s that, which should make you feel better I suppose...
The general rules of the forum also state to keep things constructive and show respect. So, first read those prior to calling people stupid, or did I miss something?
It is only rule number 1. How is calling people stupid treating people with respect?
And I’ve been slapped several times over the course of my stay here.
But acting a certain way can be stupid. Not performing a simple search is in fact not really smart (see what I did there?).
The fact that people phrase things one way doesn’t mean they qualify you entirely as such. It’s a statement on that specific act performed.
Personally, I think something when someone immediately whips out the forum rules when something is said that offends them. That’s my personal opinion, which for once I won’t share.
Could it have been worded differently? Of course.
Would someone saying it to your face directly have worded it differently? Probably not...
I type things mostly the way I would have spoken them out loud. I’m not writing essays or formal letters.
Again, that’s my opinion. The fact I could call someone stupid anywhere doesn’t mean I disrespect them. People can do stupid things sometimes. Lord knows I’ve done my fair share of stupid over the years and I’m sure there is more to come. And it’s okay. Anytime it happens is a moment to learn from.
In short, take it with a grain of salt. Did I think it was stupid to post? Like I said, I might have worded it differently. I might not have, I don’t know.
Should a little search have been done? Yes. There are many threads on this topic particularly, and it has been announced in multiple places.
Culd you have gone about this smarter? Most definitely. Did that sound any better to you?
Care to notice how I said the same thing the original user of the word did? But in more roundabout way?
Again, take less offense, people often type as they would say, especially in shorter one sentence replies.
You assume too much in your posts... I never once stated he called me stupid, nor did I take it that way. The fact you think I assume he meant me shows you have a high level of arrogance as to assume all should think like you and if not are subpar.
In a post lower, I stated I got all my champs... my concern is with others not as fortunate as I. My comment to the one calling people too stupid to have champs I did not take personally, as I have had all of them. It is his arrogance at calling other stupid that may not have them. I even stated in a later post that I also acknowledge some players cannot grind out arenas for various reason.
My issue is his arrogance and also your arrogance in defending his arrogance. It is simply not needed and adds nothing to the conversation.
To me, you calling him arrogant, as well as calling him childish was uncalled for, came across as... arrogance. A sense of you feeling superior to someone else. How are you acting differently to him? You refrained from using the same word against him, instead calling him childish.
What did you gain from that again?
I’m glad I garnered a reply though. For the record, I like to see myself as opinionated. You are free to call that arrogance, no worries.
Thinking I want everyone to think like me... swing and miss. I’d hate if that were to happen. I’m not aiming for that at all. I have my opinions, people may agree, might not, all good. And I am absolutely okay with adjusting my opinion given the right counter arguments.
I don’t care for your latter posts. That isn’t what I commented on. I’m glad you got all yours for that matter since you brought it up.
I replied to your, in my opinion, arrogant way of telling someone they were being arrogant.
I’m going to let this go now by the way. At this point the thread is derailing fast, because you and I aren’t going to agree here.
But my personal opinion still stands. Small effort into searching the forums could and would have prevented this entire thread, as well as our disagreement...
My post was a suggestion as to how to provide another opportunity at a chance at rare characters to complete content, not on how to acquire them. It was a different theme and was warranted posting on another thread.
And I didn’t call him childish, I simply implied that we are all grown ups and don’t need to resort to name calling. Again you are assuming.
“Me thinks the lady doth protest too much.”
Okay, fair enough. You didn’t use the word childish.
You used ‘this is not a school playground’. Which oddly translated to childish in my head since obviously, the two are unrelated. 😉
I did laugh at your closing by the way. I like quotes like that taking the stinger out.
We disagree on this thing, fine. Shall we move on and fight at a later date behind the bicycle stands? 😂
Seriously though, using words on a forum, it’s iffy business. Let’s just call it that. The fact that many aren’t native speakers also fuels disagreements and misunderstandings (not native myself for that matter).
I actually enjoyed this back and forth. Good start to my morning to wake the brain.
I agree that language barrier is a huge hurdle. I see it in other games as well. Typos being used as points to make fun of people... it is worse in general chats.
I do appreciate people’s opinions on the relative ease of obtaining the 2* in 1-on-1, which is why I did posted in my next post that my concerns were for those that can’t do the grind. I mean, I had no life and grinned out my 4* versions... I just was throwing out an idea for those that can’t grind it out.
Must Kabam offer a deal... no. I don’t make demands, just thought it was a good possible suggestion after reading a few threads from people frustrated on the grind. Some people might throw down a couple bucks at a 2* version so they can complete the content.
I am not going to blame people for not grinding non-stop until they get the champ though (or call them a name for not having the time like I may have), and I understand their frustration. I agree their expectations may be too high to expect to get their champ in 40-50 pulls. It is all down to randomness of the crystals.
The 1v1 option now available however is a very fast way to obtain ‘openers’ to the path needed, and those can be done in a quick in-between session.
The crystals in a way are already ‘buyable’ though, albeit with units. Which is actually the best way I think, since it allows for the choice ofmusing earned units, or bought ones.
Personally, I’d sooner just fight a few times, open, if need be re-do that. When? Whenever there is time. But I guess it also depends on the definition of grinding which is different from person to person.
4-5 fights I don’t consider grinding. That’s less than 5 minutes time and those odd moments are often, at least for me.
400-500... now that’s a grind. Aside from the fact that my ipad won’t allow me the time before going wonky to get there.
I know several people who wouldn’t grind the milestones of T4B and T1A... though you can clear those in about 20 rounds (1 hour). These are the same people complaining about not having the materials needed.
But you are correct it is all individual based. The 50 units at a chance, albeit possible to purchase, leaves some getting it in 1 and many needing to “buy” 100+ (5000 units). Though it is a potential 5*, people complain at the 100 unit 2* guaranteed PHCs. Lol. And if I bought 40-50, I’d be a bit upset (despite the odds) at not getting that 1 champ I needed.
Meanwhile, some might drop $1-5 for the champ they need. Though I imagine some may not be happy at that and claim Greed. Lol. I can see all sides of the discussion. Just thought it might service some of those that are frustrated and want to complete content.
Maybe an offer after opening X number of special 2* crystals, where X is a sum that can determine that the person is hunting for a missed champ. Like some of the choose your T4CC offers, but choose what champ?
However, it will also trigger many who will say that Kabam is greedy by charging people for it. In that sense, nothing will ever be right.
Claims of having grinded 1000’s of fights to me sound mighty unlikely as well. These aren’t crystals with 0.4% chance. It’s a solid 5% chance at a champ. I needed Wasp and Killmonger from them, took me somewhere between 40 and 50 fights total. Keeping a streak isn’t an issue, did mine while watching tv.
And I agree on those complaining about resource availability while refusing to do something (arena) for it. I never am at a loss, or at best for several days. Minor effort and indeed, about an hour’s worth in total over the span of two days. It’s all quite relative.
Good thouh, people can’t all be the same.
I am sorry you feel it was an argument. I think the only part that was an argument was about the tone of another post. After that part was dropped, the discussion from both sides of Bapoi and I went to constructive talk about the pros and cons. No name calling, and both open to the multiple perspectives that generate frustration for a multitude of player types.
It was a net positive in my eyes.
Not me... I got all my champs. I was thinking for some that were complaining. Though I see your point.
Or people can just search the forums, or ask some questions and they will have their mind blown that they can get everything they need to complete the event FOR FREE
Please keep this discussion friendly and on-topic. Name-calling, as was mentioned above, is against the forum rules. We ask that you all treat each other with respect and kindness here.
Thank you and all the best,
@RichTheMan there is now a kabam porkchop 😂😂😂😂😂