Announcing: Danger Rooms

Greetings Summoners, A new type of event quest is coming to The Contest for a limited time! Danger Rooms will be available to test your skills starting September 5th, 10:00 AM PDT and running until October 3rd, 10:00 AM PDT
Danger Rooms are Daily Quests that test your skills and your roster! Each day a new Danger Room will be available with new Champion Requirements that will affect which Champions you can bring into the Quest. When a Champion Requirement is on a Quest, only Champions that meet those requirements can be used in that Quest.
For Example, the first Danger Room that releases will require Science Champions. No other classes will be able to enter that day’s Danger Room. There are also requirements on what Rarity (Star level) of Champion can be brought in. So keep a close eye on what the Champion Requirement each day is, as the specific requirement will depend on your Difficulty. Summoners with wide rosters of 2-Stars and 3-Stars will be well rewarded for their efforts! So how many of these Danger Rooms are there exactly?
These Danger Rooms will run on a weekly schedule and reset after the 7th Day. The full schedule and all requirements can be found below. Danger Rooms will have 3 Difficulties (Beginner, Normal, Heroic) While Level 30+ Summoners will be able to access GIFTED Danger Rooms, which contain Master and Epic difficulty, and greater rewards.

The 7th Day also holds something special! An UNCANNY Danger Room will be available on the 7th Day each week. This Quest has ENTRY COSTS and requires 3 Uncanny Passes to enter, which can be gained from the previous weeks Danger Rooms. 1 Danger Room Completed = 1 Uncanny Pass. Save up through the week and spend your Passes to enter and take on these tougher challenges for even greater Rewards! Passes are Difficulty specific, so if you want to complete the Epic Difficulty of the Uncanny Danger Room, you’ll need Epic Uncanny Pass. After the 7th day, the schedule will reset back to Day 1.
The 7th Day will also have a Regular Danger Room for you to participate in and earn Passes, but the UNCANNY Danger Room DOES NOT have Champion Requirements. So be CAREFUL who you bring in as your Passes are CONSUMED upon entry. Similar to our previous Quests with Entry Costs.
Alongside the Danger Room Quests, 7-Day Danger Room Completion Alliance Event will be running every week for the duration of the event. All you need to do to gain points is complete Danger Room Quests, with more difficult quests awarding more points! Achieve milestones to get rewards for your whole Alliance to get additional Uncanny Passes for the Uncanny Danger Room Quests!
There are minimum contribution requirements for this Alliance events and there are no Rank rewards.
There are 4 rounds of Alliance events:
Week 1 09/05 10 AM PDT - 09/12 10 AM PDT
Week 2 09/12 10 AM PDT - 09/19 10 AM PDT
Week 3 09/19 10 AM PDT - 09/26 10 AM PDT
Week 4 09/26 10 AM PDT - 10/03 10 AM PDT
Every week on Day 7 of the Danger Room Event, an additional Uncanny Danger Room Completion Solo Event will be available for 24 hours. Complete Uncanny Danger Room Quests to to gain points for this event!
There are no Rank Rewards for this event.
There are 4 rounds of this Solo events total:
Week 1: 09/11 10 AM PDT - 09/12 10 AM PDT
Week 2: 09/18 10 AM PDT - 09/19 10 AM PDT
Week 3: 09/25 10 AM PDT - 09/26 10 AM PDT
Week 4: 10/02 10 AM PDT - 10/03 10 AM PDT
Here is an outline for what you can earn from each version of Danger Rooms. Remember, you can earn Regular and Gifted Danger Room Rewards daily, 7 times a week for the duration of the event, and can potentially enter Uncanny Danger Rooms TWICE a week each week if you get enough passes!
Danger Rooms / Gifted Danger Rooms
Beginner Uncanny Ticket x1
Premium Hero Crystal Shards x200
Tier 2 Basic Catalyst Fragments x80
Tier 1 Basic Catalyst Fragments x100
Normal Uncanny Ticket x1
3-Star Shards x100
Tier 2 Basic Fragments x150
Tier 3 Basic Fragments x200
Heroic Uncanny Ticket x1
4-Star Shards x50
Tier 1 Alpha Fragments x140
Tier 4 Basic Fragments x180
Tier 3 Basic Fragments x600
Master Uncanny Ticket x1
5-Star Shards x50
Tier 4 Basic Fragments x360
Tier 4 Class Catalyst Fragment Crystal x1
Epic Uncanny Ticket x1
5-Star Shards x100
Tier 2 Alpha Fragments x180
Tier 4 Class Catalyst Fragment Crystal x1
Tier 4 Basic Fragments x720
Uncanny Danger Rooms
Premium Hero Crystal Shards x500
Tier 1 Class Catalyst Crystal x1
Tier 1 Basic Catalyst Fragments x150
3-Star Shards x400
Tier 2 Basic Fragments x325
Tier 3 Basic Fragments x1400
Tier 2 Class Catalyst Crystal x1
4-Star shards x150
Tier 1 Alpha Fragments x280
Tier 4 Basic Fragments x720
Tier 3 Class Catalyst Crystal x1
5-Star Shards x100
Tier 2 Alpha Fragments x180
TIer 4 Basic Fragments x1800
Tier 4 Class Catalyst Fragment Crystal x1
5-Star Shards x200
Tier 2 Alpha Fragments x540
Tier 4 Class Catalyst Fragment Crystal x2
Greetings Summoners, A new type of event quest is coming to The Contest for a limited time! Danger Rooms will be available to test your skills starting September 5th, 10:00 AM PDT and running until October 3rd, 10:00 AM PDT
Danger Rooms are Daily Quests that test your skills and your roster! Each day a new Danger Room will be available with new Champion Requirements that will affect which Champions you can bring into the Quest. When a Champion Requirement is on a Quest, only Champions that meet those requirements can be used in that Quest.
For Example, the first Danger Room that releases will require Science Champions. No other classes will be able to enter that day’s Danger Room. There are also requirements on what Rarity (Star level) of Champion can be brought in. So keep a close eye on what the Champion Requirement each day is, as the specific requirement will depend on your Difficulty. Summoners with wide rosters of 2-Stars and 3-Stars will be well rewarded for their efforts! So how many of these Danger Rooms are there exactly?
These Danger Rooms will run on a weekly schedule and reset after the 7th Day. The full schedule and all requirements can be found below. Danger Rooms will have 3 Difficulties (Beginner, Normal, Heroic) While Level 30+ Summoners will be able to access GIFTED Danger Rooms, which contain Master and Epic difficulty, and greater rewards.

The 7th Day also holds something special! An UNCANNY Danger Room will be available on the 7th Day each week. This Quest has ENTRY COSTS and requires 3 Uncanny Passes to enter, which can be gained from the previous weeks Danger Rooms. 1 Danger Room Completed = 1 Uncanny Pass. Save up through the week and spend your Passes to enter and take on these tougher challenges for even greater Rewards! Passes are Difficulty specific, so if you want to complete the Epic Difficulty of the Uncanny Danger Room, you’ll need Epic Uncanny Pass. After the 7th day, the schedule will reset back to Day 1.
The 7th Day will also have a Regular Danger Room for you to participate in and earn Passes, but the UNCANNY Danger Room DOES NOT have Champion Requirements. So be CAREFUL who you bring in as your Passes are CONSUMED upon entry. Similar to our previous Quests with Entry Costs.
Alongside the Danger Room Quests, 7-Day Danger Room Completion Alliance Event will be running every week for the duration of the event. All you need to do to gain points is complete Danger Room Quests, with more difficult quests awarding more points! Achieve milestones to get rewards for your whole Alliance to get additional Uncanny Passes for the Uncanny Danger Room Quests!
There are minimum contribution requirements for this Alliance events and there are no Rank rewards.
There are 4 rounds of Alliance events:
Week 1 09/05 10 AM PDT - 09/12 10 AM PDT
Week 2 09/12 10 AM PDT - 09/19 10 AM PDT
Week 3 09/19 10 AM PDT - 09/26 10 AM PDT
Week 4 09/26 10 AM PDT - 10/03 10 AM PDT
Every week on Day 7 of the Danger Room Event, an additional Uncanny Danger Room Completion Solo Event will be available for 24 hours. Complete Uncanny Danger Room Quests to to gain points for this event!
There are no Rank Rewards for this event.
There are 4 rounds of this Solo events total:
Week 1: 09/11 10 AM PDT - 09/12 10 AM PDT
Week 2: 09/18 10 AM PDT - 09/19 10 AM PDT
Week 3: 09/25 10 AM PDT - 09/26 10 AM PDT
Week 4: 10/02 10 AM PDT - 10/03 10 AM PDT
Here is an outline for what you can earn from each version of Danger Rooms. Remember, you can earn Regular and Gifted Danger Room Rewards daily, 7 times a week for the duration of the event, and can potentially enter Uncanny Danger Rooms TWICE a week each week if you get enough passes!
Danger Rooms / Gifted Danger Rooms
Beginner Uncanny Ticket x1
Premium Hero Crystal Shards x200
Tier 2 Basic Catalyst Fragments x80
Tier 1 Basic Catalyst Fragments x100
Normal Uncanny Ticket x1
3-Star Shards x100
Tier 2 Basic Fragments x150
Tier 3 Basic Fragments x200
Heroic Uncanny Ticket x1
4-Star Shards x50
Tier 1 Alpha Fragments x140
Tier 4 Basic Fragments x180
Tier 3 Basic Fragments x600
Master Uncanny Ticket x1
5-Star Shards x50
Tier 4 Basic Fragments x360
Tier 4 Class Catalyst Fragment Crystal x1
Epic Uncanny Ticket x1
5-Star Shards x100
Tier 2 Alpha Fragments x180
Tier 4 Class Catalyst Fragment Crystal x1
Tier 4 Basic Fragments x720
Uncanny Danger Rooms
Premium Hero Crystal Shards x500
Tier 1 Class Catalyst Crystal x1
Tier 1 Basic Catalyst Fragments x150
3-Star Shards x400
Tier 2 Basic Fragments x325
Tier 3 Basic Fragments x1400
Tier 2 Class Catalyst Crystal x1
4-Star shards x150
Tier 1 Alpha Fragments x280
Tier 4 Basic Fragments x720
Tier 3 Class Catalyst Crystal x1
5-Star Shards x100
Tier 2 Alpha Fragments x180
TIer 4 Basic Fragments x1800
Tier 4 Class Catalyst Fragment Crystal x1
5-Star Shards x200
Tier 2 Alpha Fragments x540
Tier 4 Class Catalyst Fragment Crystal x2
1 - How many danger rooms can we run per day? I'm guessing one entry per difficulty level, but can we go through more than one difficulty level per day? We could only do one Trial per day; but clearly will have to do different levels for the different Uncanny Passes.
2 - Energy costs: are there any?
3 - Presumably there will be some crazy nodes? Any heads-up on these? Are they predictable or random? Anything?
Thanks - looking forwards to your answers, and to trying out the Danger Room.
I'm so sick of using some of the elite characters we all know, it's awesome that some content will allow me to finally break these chains and try something new or different
I hope that this idea can lead to some more level playing field for legends tags someday.
You can run each difficulty once per day. So that means 5 runs (1 of each difficulty) a day in total if you're level 30+.
The Energy for each Danger Room is 2 per step across all difficulties, and have a low step count in general.
Each day has a unique final boss with predictable nodes, only the fights before the final boss are random but their nodes are also always the same. The final bosses will be a little tougher as most will have the Class advantage against you.
Thanks for the kind questions!
1) Will these be single or multiple path maps?
2) How many nodes (steps) per map? Or number of energy refills needed to complete all 5 difficulties?
Assuming this is running alongside a monthly event quest, completing all difficulties could be draining.
3) Expected match-up difficulty?
Sure , it should be challenging, but will Epic be facing 6-star defenders with 15k rating?
ooh boy this is intriguing...
- 5,600 PHC shards
- 2,800 3* shards
- 1,400 4* shards
- 4,200 5* shards
- 2,800 t1b frags
- 6,440 t2b frags
- 22,400 t3b frags
- 32,480 t4b frags
- 3,920 t1a frags
- 5,040 t2a frags
- 56 t4cc frag crystals
Not trying to be cold or negative, but this is exactly why some people consistently advise not to sell champions -- this isn't the first time they've done something like this, and obviously, there are Arenas every week that have Rarity caps
At some point, if people are going to sell characters, that becomes a choice, and choices like that where you benefit on the front end can have consequences on the back end
Weak sauce. Not worth the thumb energy
hey I think it seems like a fair bit. Yeah, it's not as good as Trials of the Mad Titan, but it's definitely decent. I'll definitely be doing it.