
  • If you miss even ONE day of this horribly designed and broken game mode you are already out. Can't handle wasting that much time in this bug-fest of constant swapping between Line and MCOC. It's gonna burn out a LOT of people who were already banking on 3 crystals. I'm already planning ahead to only shoot for 2 since…
  • it was cool for literally 1 day, then whether you can do it in 70 minutes in 1 run or 2 hours in 2 runs, that's WAY too much grinding for the rewards. AQ is 3 spurts of energy dumping/fighting. AW is also at least 3 moves and checking in more than that. Even for guys who do just minimal arena grinding to get donation…
  • @Ad0ra_ the dungeon chat works about as well as regular alliance chat (hopelessly broken and unusable) and what's the point of posting yet another complaint on your suggestions section when we've been complaining about how broken chat is for months? 50/50 the message goes through, 50/50 if you can read your own messages…
  • that's a great time, should be pretty much guaranteed. Seems not a single very good Blade time I've seen anywhere despite being by far the most common R5 in the game and a villain heavy map with lots of Nameless bosses and last boss being Blade free kills. Anyone use Blade able to get under 3:55? I've only seen 3-4 Blade…
  • it'll be close, lots of times being posted right around the 4:04-4:06 range. I think that's gonna end up being the bottom range of the 100 so it'll likely come down to seconds apart. Tends to run that way from the previous ones I've tried to track. A group of elite times from multilegends runners then a little gap and the…
  • i tried like 5 months ago with Magik but didn't make it, but probably wasn't the wisest idea lol. Didn't have any of the good champs typically getting the fast times so tried it anyways but now after comparing hits/combos needed to kill, you almost need a champ that has an offensive trigger either as a dmg buff or a debuff…
  • It is relevant that the players knew it would be harder since it shows how disconnected they and you are from the real game, since apparently you and the mods spend your whole time in the forums instead of the game so wouldn't know the difference. You have dozens if not hundreds of comments by top tier players and…
  • Funny how quiet it got from all the posters stating they find the Sentinels to be no different than the symbioids when asked to show what map and prestige they are fighting at. I guess doing Map 3 where their sig is already reduced to 1 and at tiny prestige levels may have something to do with it.
  • There were a thousand posts before the new AQ even released by players much better and more experienced than the mods or likely yourself based on where you are in progression from your posts. Any halfway decent player not rolling around in the mud fighting 3 stars at 900 war rating KNEW FOR A FACT that there was an…
  • I doubt he sat there and timed each load screen, but having watched live streams of some of the faster legends runners, an IPhone 8/X seems to take around 3 secs (plus or minus 0.5 secs) and the IPad Pro and IPhone 7 which are basically the same hardware is slightly slower, maybe 0.5 sec difference. Anything below an…
  • All the posters who claim there is no difficulty difference between the old and new AQ despite Kabam finally acknowledging this after weeks of the mods arguing that they were the same difficulty making them basically look like chumps. Why would the company retract all these statements from multiple mods from a thousand…
  • Yea unfortunately it's literally impossible with an R4 without suicides. The fights are so simple 3-10 sec fights for most nodes. No amount of skill can make up the 60% suicide bonus on top of the 40% or so difference between an R4 and R5. You'll basically take 1 more combo to kill a ton of the nodes and it's super…
  • lol hopefully you'll slip right under the cutoff. I think 4:15 is too high though, quite a few posts near that mark spread around different sites. I'm guessing 4:05-4:10. I think there's gonna be a bunch clumped around 4:15 just a bit outside the 100.
  • pretty sure your 100% safe, only found like 3 posts spread out through here, Reddit, and the Youtubers go sub 3:50.
  • i was guessing most of the top quarter would be in the 3:40s, considering that I don't think 4:15 will cut it since there may be many players clustered around that range just out of the 100 mark.
  • seems a big cluster of people are falling in the 4:05-4:15 range this month between this forum and the thread on Reddit. 4:15 seems pretty risky with a lot of posts centered right around there, i'd guess 4:05 safer range. Very few of the top multi repeat legends post their times so the top 25 or so a whole tier above these…
  • @"Kabam Miike" are you going to keep ignoring this thread now that it's gone live and continue to preach your "But how are you so sure that the difficulty has gotten worse?". You and the community has gone back and forth dozens of times on disagreeing on the Sentinels and minis being harder than the old map. Now that it's…
  • @"Kabam Miike" you are questioning the credibiity and claims of players way above your caliber, no offense intended but this is a fact until you can walk through LOL almost free to farm symbioids and get multi-legends at whim (which from what we can assume from the types of responses you give you cannot come close to this…
  • it's still a pretty lame system TBH. Even at pretty high tiers up on expert nodes, most teams don't seem to go to 150 diversity since a strong R4 defender that has a high kill chance is worth using as a non-unique champ. That's basically our policy, any decent R4's keep and lose a tiny bit of diversity since they just need…
  • i would never use the boost on Luke in it's current state. I would never use Luke period since the boost matches 5/65 Blade way better since it interacts with Luke's sig in that fashion. I love the buffs they gave to Luke and Rulk and I actually enjoy both champs. Luke would be so versatile if he were able to use the boost…
  • Thanks @"Kabam Zibiit" that's a broken mechanic to me since it basically ruins Luke's ability or a very valuable boost. They are both used up in 1 mistake which is the exact reason you buy the boost, to reduce deaths to win tie breakers since pretty much every war at the decent tiers ends up 100% both sides. The ability to…
  • meaning you think the first hit/hits wastes his sig AND the entire boost together? assuming like you miss an intercept and take a 3 hit combo, both his sig and all 3 charges of the boost are gone = boost did nothing since he was invulnerable anyways? since i don't feel like wasting an item just to test in a war, can a mod…
  • don't forget guys, Miike gave us his word that the difficulty is the same with these changes, and his co-moderator confirmed that when he said they will be harder it only refers to the new factor making them harder and they are indeed not more difficult than the current defenders after you practice them a couple times.…
  • Let me clarify: I am saying ANY change of consequence will be harder AT FIRST, but not because the actual difficulty/complexity of the fights is harder, simply because you will not be as experienced at doing the fights. Miike is saying the complexity/difficulty of the fights is approximately the same: i.e. not necessarily…
  • I highly doubt Miike or any of the other mods are also the testers as they claim they "extensively" test everything before release and have multiple emergency maintenance and thousands of complaints every major change they've done in at least several months. He's just passing on the message. Most people here actually play…
  • lol so if someone gives you help while you're fighting the war boss it is acknowledged there are impacts on the responsiveness of your fight and they seem quite ok with this. And continue to reply about once a month on the acknowledged game breaking bugs while the dev team works on pushing out sales specials and players…
  • this topic has been brought up over and over. No one is overseeing the general progression and bottlenecks in this game. Resources from 3 years ago are just as hard to get now and often the bottleneck for even the top 1% players. T3CC is rare to get even when you dump your daily energy to complete that day's class event…
    en Pls remove t1a Comentario por BDLH marzo 2018
  • his stock went down a lot with so many high dmg newer champs added, but on any node with plus armor he's a beast. His base dmg is already high and erasing the armor bonus for essentially the whole fight with just 1 break is amazing. But depending on your roster, most symbiotes end up on unblockable sp1 nodes although…
  • also another point with his durability, just finished a tier 1 map war with the opponent using 2 RULK's on lane 7 heavy armor and HP nodes. His AI is very easy for people who have used him as target practice in LOL a hundred times, but between the armor and his massive physical resist with the heat charges, he takes much…
  • Green Hulk only serves one main purpose in the game anymore. Hard content you can use free baby revives and do massive dmg in fights you don't expect to live very long (Collector). For most other purposes, especially war, RULK is vastly superior in every way. You really only fight mystics with them when you can and 10…