Courtbear ★
4K+ glory a week Yes, spot is still open
90mil Alliance LF2 |AQ Map5 with master mods (300mil, 4K glory) - Optional 2BG AW (G3). Teammate should be Thronebreaker/1.5mil 11k PI min. Time zone can be any. Line communication utilized during AQ series with Team. AQ Participation is only requirement, no Battleground minimums, RL comes first. Play the content you want,…
90mil Alliance LF2 |AQ Map5 with master mods (300mil, 4K glory) - Optional 2BG AW (G3). Teammate should be Thronebreaker/1.5mil 11k PI min. Time zone can be any. Line communication utilized during AQ series with Team. AQ Participation is only requirement, no Battleground minimums, RL comes first. Play the content you want,…
^one spot left
^^bump—1 spot open
^^1 spot left
75mil Alliance LF1 |AQ Map5 with master mods (300mil, 4K glory) - Optional 1BG AW (S1). Teammate should be Thronebreaker/1.5mil 11k PI min. Time zone can be any. Line communication utilized during AQ series with BG Team. AQ Participation is only requirement, no Battleground minimums, optional AW, RL comes first. Play the…
* 1 spot left
70mil ally LF2 |AQ Map5 (4K glory) | opt 1BG AW (S1) | TB-1.5mil 11k PI min | line used: Courtbear
Your friends list is full
Various…we don’t require it. Last one was 900k
LF2 |AQ Map5 master mods | opt 1BG AW (S1) | TB-1.5mil 11k PI min | line used. Relaxed ally where RL comes first; play whatever content you want just need to show up for AQ. ID: Courtbear
LF2 |AQ Map5 | opt 1BG AW (S1) | TB-1.5mil 11k PI min | line used Line ID: Courtbear
^^2 spots reopened
I run a relaxed map5 60mil ally, work around various work schedules and time zones. We have 2 spots open. We don’t require any BG mins, run optional 2 BGs for AW (silver 1) all is run drama free, only ask is all participant in AQ. Look me up on line if want to chat more: Courtbear
60mil chill Alliance is LF2 all Map5s with master map mods (300mil, 4K glory) - Optional AW Interested teammate should be Cavalier/10k PI min. Time zone can be any Line communication utilized during AQ series with BG Team and in a general Alliance chat for game advise, help, etc. AQ Participation is only requirement, RL…
Agree, this background is very hard on the eyes. Why make it that bright and hard to see the lane lines. And where are the cancelled AQ rewards? Why is that taking so long to release?
*1 opening after BG rewards drop
^^bump—1 spot open