Looking for an Alliance, Paragon, 13.2k Prestige

Im looking for a new alliance, I've been in a chill Alliance for a while to take a rest from the game but Im back at it again
I have a pretty decent Roster, I have something around 65% of the 6* in game, and the ones I dont have are mostly bad ones or the most new ones.
Focus on AW, AQ, and BG
I have a pretty decent Roster, I have something around 65% of the 6* in game, and the ones I dont have are mostly bad ones or the most new ones.
Focus on AW, AQ, and BG
We run map 6 with master mods for AQ.
Typically in top 10% for BGs. Went down to 20% this last season because we were cleaning house.
In game id is CHuck fINA
line id is chuck_fina
Looking forward to hearing from you
Have you found a new alliance home yet?