Crispy ★
One champ for everyone but rouge iceman, and uc...AA. Nc just melts after a few parry heavys, as does anyone else who bleeds, with exception to the above mentioned champs. Really easy quest, great rewards. :smile:
Iabomb, Spider-ham,then last spin , apocalypse!! So happy!!!😁
No, it’s approximately 600 fights, or 200ish rounds of 3. Not bad at all for 5000 shards. Got plenty of 2*s maxed. I’m game.
Definitely plenty of gamma to be had. At 20 days left, only half a million till the 2k six star shards. Could probably gather double that if I tryed. Plus 450k from once through cav. Eq is a huge help.
Nah. They added him to that list a few months ago, when he was released.
L Lol
Well, don’t sacrifice a doesn’t me. And so messy!
This is why I shut off notifications.🙂
Mines not about texture, but my state of mind. Always fresh, always Crispyfried.
Pull my first ghost! She good unduped?
Fixit Hulkbuster Dpx Ironfist Both Og Ironman Cap og Abomb Daredevil og Spiderman og And on and on and on...
I’d love to see continuity , but I’d bet they recast. I’m still holding out hope that they’ll make another Wolverine with the x23 actress. She was phenomenal for her age.
This?!?! Again?!?!
Congrats!!! One of my personal favorites! He clears A LOT of content, very versatile!
Why not? Did they add something better to purchase with loyalty except boosts or loyalty crystals? And the chance they might buff uc? Just my opinion...
This is the first time I’ve seen this many ppl agree on something in the forum, kudos for that OP. 😂
Got 12.
True, their wasn’t any specification on the OPs part as to what they bought. But you are right, and that’s what matters.🙂
Why? Those potions were updated as well. All potions in your inventory too. Read the in game mail again.
To duplicate a champ.
The Things belt emblem lights up according to how many fantastic four members are on the team. Neat.
True believer since 1986, colored my first Spider-Man coloring book. After that, I was hooked for life. Then heard Stan Lee on The Incredible Hulk cartoon from around the same time, and was a fan ever since. ‘Nuff said.
IGN: Crispyfried 2 ggcs Best moment: opening my first 6*, which was Killmonger. Or r4 my 5* venom. They both get a lot done! You’re awesome @LibertyPrimeV1 ! Happy Holidays to all, and good luck!
“Rights?!” Lmao.
Silver Surfer: Requiem. I read it a couple times a year, it is phenomenal. Gets me all emotional every time. I’d recommend it, highly.
They’d probably just give them to everyone who has done it already. Through game mail. Idk...
Maybe send another ticket about the first ticket. 🙂
Honestly, she’s still worth it, IMO. The gem, I mean.
KM. Always wanted him as a 5* since release. Then I open my first 6*, freaking KM!!! And Domino...still no domino.