You get to choose 6 champions Kabam will rebalance, who do you choose?



  • DarkZenDarkZen Member Posts: 295 ★★
    Iron Fist - each time Danny uses the Fist, immune to all debuff for 15 seconds and heals himself 10% Using the Fist also apply Unstoppable for 5 seconds

    Added to team has a chance to heal everyone 10% when using the Fist

    Daredevil Netflix... Debuffed last half the time. When under affects of debuffed, all basic attacks are crits and ignore Armour.

    Thor OG... every 20 seconds pass damage increases by 5 % 10% 15% capped at 50% based to Sig. Perhap this should be a passive ? In the comics the longer Thor fights the stronger he gets

  • Thicco_ModeThicco_Mode Member Posts: 8,852 ★★★★★
    DarkZen said:

    Iron Fist - each time Danny uses the Fist, immune to all debuff for 15 seconds and heals himself 10% Using the Fist also apply Unstoppable for 5 seconds

    Added to team has a chance to heal everyone 10% when using the Fist

    Daredevil Netflix... Debuffed last half the time. When under affects of debuffed, all basic attacks are crits and ignore Armour.

    Thor OG... every 20 seconds pass damage increases by 5 % 10% 15% capped at 50% based to Sig. Perhap this should be a passive ? In the comics the longer Thor fights the stronger he gets

    I feel like iron fists thing is kinda op
  • FR33_HUG5FR33_HUG5 Member Posts: 1,196 ★★★★
    1. Bishop
    2. Sentinel
    3. Diablo
    4. Sentry
    5. Falcon
    6. Black Bolt
  • DPXFistheGOATDPXFistheGOAT Member Posts: 727 ★★★
    edited February 2020
    Full Revamps (change in mechanics):

    * Iron Fist

    * Rhino

    * Iron Man

    * Cyclops (either or)

    * Black Panther

    * Juggernaut

    Quick buffs

    * Ebony Maw (too unique for me to want to change)

    * Diablo (same mechanics, but potions are more Iron Skin gives passive for invincibility, Emberboon allowing for back-to-backs sp3s, etc)

    * Groot (imagine his furies as strong as Cap Marvel, regen on par with Wolverine, etc...)

    * Phoenix (just make her furies/incinerates strong. Also, immune to incinerate)

    * Anyone whose buffs dont stack (Black Widow's cruelties/precisions, Hulk's fury gained from landing hits like Drax, etc)

    Combo of both:

    * Corvus (more missions, 3x Glaive Charges)

    * Anyone with Corvus synergies
  • StevieManWonderStevieManWonder Member Posts: 5,019 ★★★★★
    @RoninMan We'll have to agree to disagree. I rarely have issues with getting his poisons above triple digits even without Ronin or Fury on the team. And with Ronin, he does have a high chance to proc fatigues. Throw Fury on the team and you get an additional 10% damage. That synergy team is a pretty solid team, imo.
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  • CrispyCrispy Member Posts: 85
    Both Og Ironman
    Cap og
    Daredevil og
    Spiderman og
    And on and on and on...
  • SnizzbarSnizzbar Member Posts: 2,278 ★★★★★
    They could just check my 6* roster and that's the answer.
  • Steel_Ball_RunSteel_Ball_Run Member Posts: 535 ★★★
    Cyclops: The meme man, leader of the X-men himself, lacking in damage, no utility. Synergies just aren’t enough
    Groot: Clunky, terrible damage, little utility. At least give him a consistent healing or a big damage boost
    Civil Warrior: Have his armor increase his damage and reduce defensive ability accuracy instead
    Miles Morales: Synergy with Stealthy already ‘fixes’ his random evade. Maybe like Gwen, his evade should have a limit but increases damage. Also, invisibility and better venom sting
    Juggernaut: Needs a complete overhaul, just bad
    Venompool: Better bleeds, better way to heal

  • KalantakKalantak Member Posts: 1,300 ★★★★
    i feel like it's about time we get a properly handled 12.0 balance update!!! like may b bringing some down but at the same time bringing many many champs UP is necessary!! they can easily reduce domino's inicinerate damage and attack on heavy and critical failure proc chances and making tech champs partially immune and domino still be Super OP for most fights, same thing for hyperion easily make his powergain similar to silver surfer's and still too OP!!' easily reduce imiw's armour rating and crit resistance and still kills!!! but in exchange bring champs Ironfist ,jane foster ,diablo,Drstrange in light a little being mystic champs they can easily give unique NICHE ability and be done with it!
    - for ex. Ironfist should b able to nulify all buffs with heavy attack, armour breaks make more potent and linger duration, if reaches 5 armour breaks he shatters it for like may b 3500 for 35 seconds, signature ability, once per fight be able to use his CHI strike and inflict may b fate seal or heal him self for flat 10% health or something like that.
    - Jane foster/drstrange are now so one dimentional (symbiote supreme being far superior with same kit) they should get full rework
    - Loki can get much higher damage on sp3 curse,be able to steal some power during that and may b carry 1 buff stolen for next fight and he'll b good enough and may b exciting with hela synergy
  • KalantakKalantak Member Posts: 1,300 ★★★★
    some one please tag some kabam
    mods and let them know to pass on some of these ideas to DEV team !!! some of these ideas are so amazzing and seem balanced .. hop they take note of this
  • SceptilemaniacSceptilemaniac Member Posts: 1,247 ★★★★
    edited February 2020
    Sentry: Let him carry his persistent charges fight to fight without dupe or any other requirements. Or if you feel its OP Something like Sabertooth I guess? Carrying on persistent charges costs 1 or 2 charges. Would make him a way better champion than he is now.
  • Colinwhitworth69Colinwhitworth69 Member Posts: 7,470 ★★★★★
    edited February 2020
    Iron Fist
    Cyclops (either one)
    Daredevil (eithe tone)

    Imagine if pulling one of those at a high rarity was a thrill not an immense letdown.
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