Line id is frogchef1(EST). If you still need a spot
Line id is frogchef1(EST).
Frogchef1(EST) is my line id. Hit me up
My old ally has room. Good crew if your interested. Frogchef1(EST) line id
We’ve got a spot and a higher sister ally if your interested. Frogchef1(EST) line ID
We’re replacing if your interested. Frogchef1(EST) line ID
Do you run all 3 bgs in AW?
Frogchef1(EST) line ID
We are usually gold1-2 and map 5. Just got out of a bad merger trying to turn our 2 ally system into 3. We’re looking to replace 2-3 players. If your interested send me a chat on line. Frogchef1(EST) line ID
Can’t find you on line. My id is frogchef1(EST)
Sent you a friend request. My line id is frogchef1(EST)
Frogchef in game frogchef1(EST) on line
We have a 3 ally system. I have an ally with 15 strong players that could definitely pull 5x5. Possibly 65555. Let me know if your interested. Also 3 BG AW Frogchef1(EST). Line id
We have a 3 ally system. Have spots open in lowest ally. Map5-4. Chance to move up. Our top ally is 24 mil
We have a 3 ally system. Our bottom tier is looking for players similar to what your looking for. How many players do you have? Frogchef1(EST) line id
We have 3 ally system running. If your interested in 3 BG map5 and 3 AW let me know. We can absorb your BG in 1 of our allies. Frogchef1(EST) line ID
3 alliance system has a spot if your still looking. Line ID: frogchef1(EST)
We are replacing a few. Frogchef1 is my line id. Frogchef in game
Frogchef is my line id. Send me both of your profile pics. Might have a spot
If your still looking my line id is frogchef1.