GrabmeMCOC ★
Agree with others and OP. The main issue is that questing now is overly reliant on class counters within certain lanes. The default design is tired and boring. Kabam really need to address this ASAP. Instead of incentivising us to play a terrible game mode(s) with XP, just make it better ffs
This is content that I will skip. Not worth the effort at all.
I missed out on King Groot. I bought him for 5k units. I now own r3 sig 200 Thanos. I’m (mostly) free to play. Are you saying you want this to be made easier for people not prepared to do what I did? If they make any easy ways to acquire missing deathless pieces this year then I will demand a refund on my 5k
They’re clearly waiting for the next big progression push. Which will lead to a change in default rewards. A 6* generic AG is still valuable to new Valiants. New progression title requires new rewards. New rewards requires higher level content. New difficulty for SQ and EQ. I see spring as the launch time. Maybe the…
He’s a dud. Offers nothing over any other viable champ.
We know.
He’s really good. But I think people are now forcing him into a bracket he’s not in. High utility in tech class match ups. And good overall damage. And I don’t like his colour scheme.
Kabam. Make it hard. I want to feel the pain and suffering. I want my full account tested to its limits so I know that I’ve earned this reward. All the other rewards you handed out to anyone who bothers to participate, but this one, please make this one hard so I can actually continue to play this game knowing I’ve earned…
Absolutely called it.
Nahhhhh. PI is still a flex
Make these 3 meme champs synergise with each other.
If you’re not ranking up your Maestro, take the nexus. Simple.
I have no basis for this assumption. But they will release more relics after they put this deathless business to bed. With the influx of more 7*, there is a greater need for more relics.
Infinite milestone Arena. Let’s see who is committed to the grind
Easiest Agony fight ever. Dragonman sp1 repeat. Hit Monkey and Deathless She-Hulk, Just bait sp1 and drop Sp3. Repeat BRB - heavy, Sp2, Sp1 Light attack through Auto-Block and immediate double dash back away from heavy distance. 4 solos within 1st hour.
They should just release promo Videos and pre-recorded info drops. Dave gets hounded by trolls every stream and the expectancy levels are atrocious. Not to mention the racist/sexist comments in the chat and chat bot spammers.
Add some 2-3 Gems too. And another T7BC And lastly a 2024 7* Champ selector
Hopefully he can get Valiant.
The point of the post was to inform end game F2P players that Kabam doesn’t care that they’re unhappy. They simply do not care about them. That’s your fave YouTubers and content creators, and 90% of the crying people in the forums. 🤣
And it’s just a dupe. They gave her away for free. Hahahaha
Yep. Better off leaving. All those hours you spent in arena were for nothing. Nada. Go enjoy life.
I’m not f2p you clown. Free to play accounts with over 30k units are the grinders, there’s currently nothing to grind for. So they’ll stop.
I have a duped 7* Red Hulk. He’s rubbish. HTH
10 tokens for 1 SBC Ahh yes. This is what I meant but said it wrong. Thank you.
Everything you want in the milestones, is available in the ranked rewards for the whales. And rightly so. 90% of the game rewards are shared equally already. This separates the whales from FTP. I’m only pissed because I’m day 1 Valiant and in the same bracket as Throne breaker. Where are my tailored rewards?
10 tokens for 1 SBC
Not reading all that but I suggest you send a ticket.
Agreed. It was doo doo