MasterSmoke ★★★
Jesus Is The Reason For The Season Merry Christmas!!
Easy choice for me i rather go after the guaranteed rewards in Carina Challenges with the rest of my units after i get the She-Hulk piece
In my opinion content creators can keep a game alive or kill it
Is this true??
The moment a new car drives off the lot it is considered an old car
Brand New
It was entertaining my expectations were low
I would spend more money if crystals were selectors during specials offers like Cyber Week
Ohhhhh ok good to know
More likely its Medusa & Purgatory being added
Kabam should announce dedicated times employees will be playing that would be great
After 2 Titan pool updates then the pool should be Titan worthy
This is true i am using Spiderham against IW & the damage just isnt there i timed out 4x charges are at max
I have money to blow on this game but refuse not spend sucks when you have to gamble for a 7* that you want. When are 7* selectors coming in the offers?? I want to pick my champ if i am going to drop a hundred.
Pick the Lady & Congrats
Deals are not intended for fish i see
Maybe thats the plan there was kind of a leak of a 7* KP in promo art in app store some months back
Do not risk it!! I have 49 & i will be opening soon real soon
Dont risk it rush to get to valiant if you can !!
Prayers up for sure
Flip a coin on the next live stream
Can someone post current results?? I dont have IG to check & i hope cyclops wins
Why waste a vote on Dr Strange we already know what he can do when buffed #VoteBlueCyclops
I hope Voodoo makes the list
Its Called Programming
Luck always favors the ones who dive in right away congrats yall
Gold or Iso