Spend 5k on Banquet OR Necropolis CC’s revives?

Tairique_turay0Tairique_turay0 Member Posts: 485 ★★★
edited December 18 in General Discussion
Due to the Banquet event being disappointing, especially for low-spenders or F2P players, I now think it’s better to spend my 5k on Necropolis Carina’s Challenges. Especially now revive farming is gone, it would take me a LONG time to get enough units & revives to do all Necro CC’s after spending 5k on less exciting Banquet crystals and milestones. What do y’all think? I’m personally super happy that I spent most of my units on cyber weekend. There was much more value it Cyber for low-spending Valiants then this overhyped Banquet has.

Spend my units on Necro CC’s or Banquet?


  • DerpyEagleDerpyEagle Member Posts: 614 ★★★
    Imma use them towards thanos prolly. But then again the content is perm so maybe it’s best to just have fun during Christmas week. Cuz I can tell the game will become stale if I rush these challenges
  • BringPopcornBringPopcorn Member Posts: 5,708 ★★★★★

    I guess it really depends on whether you value that deathless She-Hulk piece. That’s what I’m spending up to.

    She basically free...
  • Tairique_turay0Tairique_turay0 Member Posts: 485 ★★★
    @ThePredator1001 Haha fair enough. Even though the drop rates will be garbage for the SBC’s, the best rewards are really good. Might hold off on Necro CC’s.
  • Tairique_turay0Tairique_turay0 Member Posts: 485 ★★★
    @DerpyEagle Thats a great point 🎯 don’t want the game to be too stale after Banquet. Might as well enjoy Banquet for what it is, & save Necro CC’s for later.
  • Tairique_turay0Tairique_turay0 Member Posts: 485 ★★★
    @BadPullsMarco Yeah the she-hulk piece is the main thing I want too.
  • Tairique_turay0Tairique_turay0 Member Posts: 485 ★★★
    Ok but 300 units for 1.5k 7* shards & 5,700 T3 Alpha Catalysts is such a waste though overall. I really don’t know, I might just use them on Necro CC’s. Can’t even get any R3’s from Banquet with 5.3k units.
  • MasterSmokeMasterSmoke Member Posts: 580 ★★★
    Easy choice for me i rather go after the guaranteed rewards in Carina Challenges with the rest of my units after i get the She-Hulk piece
  • ThePredator1001ThePredator1001 Member Posts: 958 ★★★★

    Ok but 300 units for 1.5k 7* shards & 5,700 T3 Alpha Catalysts is such a waste though overall. I really don’t know, I might just use them on Necro CC’s. Can’t even get any R3’s from Banquet with 5.3k units.

    If you’re in an alliance you’ll want to use enough units to hit the final alliance milestone for the gifted Grenadian key. I think the min contribution is 7400 points, but if you reinvest all the milestone units it should really only be like 3k units. I’d try and hit that milestone and use the rest for necro.
  • RebarkRebark Member Posts: 425 ★★★

    Due to the Banquet event being disappointing, especially for low-spenders or F2P players, I now think it’s better to spend my 5k on Necropolis Carina’s Challenges. Especially now revive farming is gone, it would take me a LONG time to get enough units & revives to do all Necro CC’s after spending 5k on less exciting Banquet crystals and milestones. What do y’all think? I’m personally super happy that I spent most of my units on cyber weekend. There was much more value it Cyber for low-spending Valiants then this overhyped Banquet has.

    Spend my units on Necro CC’s or Banquet?

    Why would you spend units on revives? The event is permanent, just gather revives and do it slowly
  • PT_99PT_99 Member Posts: 4,766 ★★★★★
    Kabam is basically giving away awakening of 7* Isophyne
    I will at least watch her videos and how she actually performs before going all in.
  • Tairique_turay0Tairique_turay0 Member Posts: 485 ★★★
    @MasterSmoke I’ll most likely do that too. Literally not much of value on Banquet unless you’re a whale or a Thronebreaker player. Hardly any good rank up mats at all.
  • Tairique_turay0Tairique_turay0 Member Posts: 485 ★★★
    @Rebark there will be other content that may need revives later on. Plus i’d hate to have Necro challenges just lurking, i’d rather get it over with so that I can be completely done with necro again. Nothing in Banquet will change my account with only 6.6k units. There’s no rank 3’s for anyone without over 5 figure units. Making nercro CC’s easier is the best and most efficient option for me.
  • Tairique_turay0Tairique_turay0 Member Posts: 485 ★★★
    @PT_99 Yeah bro, but 15k units for a dupe on Isophene isn’t what I call good value. At least if you have 15k units, you just about have enough to get some decent rewards. Necro rewards are just so much better to spend 6.6k units on,
  • BringPopcornBringPopcorn Member Posts: 5,708 ★★★★★

    Does that look like "just a dup of Isophyne"?
  • Tairique_turay0Tairique_turay0 Member Posts: 485 ★★★
    @ThePredator1001 You make it sound better, but all of them units just for one of those reworked 7* doesn’t seem to worth it for me. Idk though i’ll have to see I guess. Deadpool & Black Panther are the only one that interest me personally.
  • Tairique_turay0Tairique_turay0 Member Posts: 485 ★★★
    edited 3:45AM
    @BringPopcorn Ive seen this list already many times. The quantity makes the rewards look worthwhile but when you read what the rewards actually are… they’re mostly underwhelming. A few 7* shards and R2 materials aren’t exciting to me. Pass. Would rather just focus on Necro as it has better rewards then all of them Banquet filler rewards put together.
  • BringPopcornBringPopcorn Member Posts: 5,708 ★★★★★
    edited 3:48AM

    @BringPopcorn Ive seen this list already many times. The quantity makes the rewards look worthwhile but when you read what the rewards actually are… they’re mostly underwhelming. A few 7* shards and R2 materials aren’t exciting to me. Pass.

    Yeah but those are just milestones, there is RNG involved in 50+ crystals...
    I'm just arguing that is not "just and Isophyne dup" if you have no way on getting more units probably the Carina challenges are more suitable
  • BigBlueMadness11BigBlueMadness11 Member Posts: 43
    Sure, the superior crystals alone might not warrant the cost with many of the pulls but I feel like you are missing the big picture. The superior crystal reward is only a small piece of the rewards. Those same crystals will in turn also give you rewards from solo milestones, ranked solo rewards, alliance milestones, alliance ranked rewards and also the rewards from the realm event.

    Are the rewards crazy? No, but let's not pretend like you are getting next to nothing in return. Why not invest in banquet then work on necro carinas later? If you run the apothecary each day and do the super daily event you are getting 2 revives every day at minimum. This isn't counting the units you are also earning along the way. Why skip banquet to rush for rewards that will be there later on? Banquet rewards will be temporary and I feel like it's smarter to take advantage of them while they are here and be patient and do the carinas later.
  • Tairique_turay0Tairique_turay0 Member Posts: 485 ★★★
    @BringPopcorn Yeah I get you. The crystals do have some decent rewards that will have very rare drop rates. Most of the crystals are gonna be 1.5k 7* shards, 5700 T3A, 2x 7* sig stones, etc, all for 300 units each. Idk man, that’s a lot of wasted units imo. This event is mainly for those who have enough units to secure some worthwhile rewards. Over 10k-15k units at least.
  • peixemacacopeixemacaco Member Posts: 3,443 ★★★★
    3200 units right now

    No good expectations so...

    Maybe Weapon X only
  • BringPopcornBringPopcorn Member Posts: 5,708 ★★★★★

    3200 units right now

    No good expectations so...

    Maybe Weapon X only

    Good luck getting something that won't be there...
  • Tairique_turay0Tairique_turay0 Member Posts: 485 ★★★
    @BigBlueMadness11 Yeah, there isn’t any rush to do Necro Challenges, but Banquet rewards just don’t give much R3 materials at all if you don’t have 10k-15k units or more. It would just be a waste of units that don’t help my account much. I’d rather get Necro done asap so that I can simply save the free revives for all the content coming next year, and start saving units for next Cyber without having to worry about long, tedious Necropolis paths.

    I do get you though and what you said absolutely makes sense. The rewards just aren’t worth much for my account. If I had 10k-15k units, I would probably have enough to have some fun with it.
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