Spend 5k on Banquet OR Necropolis CC’s revives?

Due to the Banquet event being disappointing, especially for low-spenders or F2P players, I now think it’s better to spend my 5k on Necropolis Carina’s Challenges. Especially now revive farming is gone, it would take me a LONG time to get enough units & revives to do all Necro CC’s after spending 5k on less exciting Banquet crystals and milestones. What do y’all think? I’m personally super happy that I spent most of my units on cyber weekend. There was much more value it Cyber for low-spending Valiants then this overhyped Banquet has.
Spend my units on Necro CC’s or Banquet?
Spend my units on Necro CC’s or Banquet?
I will at least watch her videos and how she actually performs before going all in.
Does that look like "just a dup of Isophyne"?
I'm just arguing that is not "just and Isophyne dup" if you have no way on getting more units probably the Carina challenges are more suitable
Are the rewards crazy? No, but let's not pretend like you are getting next to nothing in return. Why not invest in banquet then work on necro carinas later? If you run the apothecary each day and do the super daily event you are getting 2 revives every day at minimum. This isn't counting the units you are also earning along the way. Why skip banquet to rush for rewards that will be there later on? Banquet rewards will be temporary and I feel like it's smarter to take advantage of them while they are here and be patient and do the carinas later.
No good expectations so...
Maybe Weapon X only
I do get you though and what you said absolutely makes sense. The rewards just aren’t worth much for my account. If I had 10k-15k units, I would probably have enough to have some fun with it.