Matrixdemonmemegod1 ★
Add San Andreas theme
Which node
Not plat 4 yet, we have 2 inactive members that we are going to kick,we lost few wars because of them,dropped rating slightly. Next season we are looking to get plat 4, aq not mandatory. If interested, msg me on line id is matrixdemonmcocgadot
What sort of alliance are you looking for, we are aiming for gold 1 or plat 4 next season and need 2 members. We do wars, aq not mandatory but join if you want. Alliance tag is TLM77 Line is matrixdemonmcocgadot
Well sorry man lol,not platinum,nice profile though.
What’s your profile like
Sorry to disturb but need urgent assistance, need 4-5 new members for wars, cav above,skilled and active, aiming for gold 1 or plat4 this season. Alliance tag- TLM77
Yeah I noticed it too today in war lol
Chill jamal, not much of an issue,we were still able to do the quests and get rewards right
Oh damn tks guys
Lol his power will be hard to integrate in game lol,he’d be so fast go through our blocks and Dex as well as evade constantly lol
You ranked him wth
How’s it a get good argument. I’m not a good player myself,just saying in fact hood players would’ve been slightly adapted to bug timings and doing bit practice would make it perfect, in alliance war during bug I died on path after beating just 3 defenders,yesterday I took out 4 on path, 2 minibosses in final ring and half…
Playing on iPad Pro latest version,updated
Disagree,working for us, in fact in war i soloed 3 minibosses and the final boss in aw as well as 4 heroes on paths with my 10k rating heroes while with bug I died on path itself. Parry and dex working absolutely fine. People are just complaining because now Theyre used to bugged timings, give it time and they’ll adjust
We doing wars,keep winning. Moved up 3 tiers
My friend did with magneto
The old one some weeks back
Sry on that, I did with mix of Medusa and electro. Any shockproof hero you have? Alternatively red guardian might work. For me the worst boss was the crossbones one,harder than ultron imho
Fair point will keep grinding then.
Oh thanks
Ok thanks man
Thanks man, sadly now there isn’t much time to grind enough units, will try one last time some time later
Lol thanks man,I could’ve actually done this but spent the compensation potion to finish that sinister boss in 6.2.2
Yeah thanks
Keep taking sop Emma’s intercepts and specials to my face. Haven’t done it yet….won’t be able to do…wasted 600 units approx and 6 revives from compensation
Guys it's meant to counter torch or fight. He can bypass falter so this node eliminates him as he will stistilstistill do damage with nova flames
Yeah, also again, other games and everything working fine,just tgis