Mohammad07 ★★
Classic scarlet witch is good?
Prolly Goku
Who is cerastes?
Why is hateful for you to be called "sis" mam?
Congratulations sis
Offtopic but when will we get bg rank rewards
For me it's profx ebony and mangog how is wong a tough defender tho haven't faced him much tbh
Doctor Sterrange
"Nice try kabam" said someone
Yes strange
You don't need any roaster change herc Aa ihulk scorp nimrod you should easily be able to get that cav title with a few revives.
I uninstalled mcoc too yesterday. It had always been like this for me. I download it play it a lot for a monthp then uninstall it, reinstall it after about a year or so. And this was the first time in my 4 years of mcoc to ever get aw season rewards lol. See you guys next year or so or early if they add emperor doom lol.
After 7 years 3 months 19 days 5 hours 21minutes and 44 seconds
The secret had been revealed we have to destroy the earth now.
Thanks for the info
Which language is that?
7* Dr doom in 7* glory crystal next year? And congratulations
Monthly mastery points by eq exploration would be amazing. And you should be able to unlock the whole mastery tree at a certain point in the game
I lost several times in incursions against her. And she managed to get the best nodes. Also undexable special? BS. And yes including her when doom haven't released yet.
Still idoom
Doom and Medusa
Medusa(robotslayer) Nick(awaken him) Ghost Ht Herc(even 4* with max sig and ascended)dunno about kraven never played him. You might go for Blade or Kate bishop too although I prefer nick but he desperately needs dupe
Howard is good?never used him before so I don't know
Idk how to use her tho haven't got her yet but she's adored a lot for her ability to bypass most of the nodes
I have both doom(maxed 5) and Claire(6'2). Doom is the best champ for power control and his defense is heaps better than Claire. Claire is more suicide friendly tho with great utility. But doom just feels great to play with.
I am on the same quest with about the same team rating lol. You might want to rank up quake and get good with her ig she clears a lot of act 6. Haven't managed to get her unfortunately.
You can trade loyalty for gold by buying aq tickets and then trading them for gold
Already did the side events already bought uc gold crystal 7 times and depleted my glory