Shoyeb1994 ★
Message me shoyeb1994
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Same here line I'd Shoyeb1994
Same here.... Line I'd Shoyeb1994
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@"Kabam Miike" @"Kabam Zibiit" @"Kabam Porthos" @"Kabam Vydious" @"Kabam Lyra"
Same thing happened to me also and that Minimum score to qualify is just ****.... If we need minimum score to qualify then what's the meaning of alliance events.
That's what I am saying that kabam should make some minimal score like 300k after joining alliance to claim them.
@Coppin It was not only that 6k trophies and 200 elder marks... I didn't got any of that from 1st to 15th milestone that's why it is frustrating me and should make min score after joining ally for claiming them like 300k min score after joining ally.
That's just ridiculous. Kabam should be able to make all 15 milestones available once no matter we change ally its just discouraging
@SummonerNR yes already contributed 100k then also same thing showing
@Furrymoosen yes I joined new alliance
I cannot claim anyone from that 15 milestones
@Philia thanks a lot
@Keltan sorry dude but I clearly mentioned I don't want ally who does 5-6-7m only and with 100k as min you cannot reach half the milestone
Have you got any ally who hits 9m
I find one ally with 20 members and 240k min for bgs @OKAYGang if interested you can contact them.
How much points you guys make in Battleground
Unable to add you on line can you please text me on line I'd - shoyeb1994
How much points you guys make in Battleground
You guys do battleground also
You guys do battleground also?
You guys do battleground also?
Line I'd - shoyeb1994 I am interested in joining i am very much active and do 450k+ in bg
Someone said Chavez path has shards
@JosephAsh do you guys do battleground also
@IvarTheBoneless here my profile and some of my bg scores