TheNickster20 ★
BWCV - I know she doesn’t need awakening but I already had 4 generics so why not lol
Good news! I just got Torch as a six star so I think I will use the rank up gem on him instead :)
Please no 5* generic for cavs - I already have 4 just collecting dust.
Six star night crawler dupe 🙃
Very pleased with my rewards :)
Is it possible to do the easy path without Torch/Void?
Finally got Dr Doom!
5 star Thor Rags awakening
Mr Sinister used to always trouble me, but now he is a breeze with Warlock - his passive heal block is so good.
That’s the date
I’m sorry but I have zero motivation to play this event apart from picking up a few revives (why a max of 6 and where are l3 and team ones!). Also why so little T5B I can get more from a week of AQ then an entire month of this side quest.
Another small QOL change I would like to see is the option to skip the SP3 animation as it is quite annoying when playing as champions who use lots of SP3 e.g. Hyperion + VTD. Also the actual feedback seems to be getting lost in a sea of a certain users comments (and then other users responses to him) so perhaps stop…
Instead of having nodes which punish the player for not having the optimal counter, reward the player for having the optimal counter e.g. Instead of Reduce damge done by 90% unless unstoppable have a node like Damage done when unstoppable is increased by 200% and attacks have a 20% to be unblockable. This would make many…
I got the same problem with ghost on map 4 Corvus. EDIT: Good point Lvernon that seems to be the issue. Thanks!
Pulled this on a side account I was grinding units for gifting on.