ZeepZorp ★★
Chase is over before it even started.
After the hour refresh both packs are missing without me buying either of them.
Can confirm same happened to me. However I’m only missing the 5* booster pack despite having bought neither booster pack.
I'm sure we'll see another progression title in the future this time with requirements so that its impossible to achieve without paying on day one. People would still defend it saying only the top cutting edge alliance summoners deserve it. Titles have moved on from being story progression titles to time-locked ones for…
Probably the worst it has ever been. At least before I could adjust to late timings, but now? Parry and dexes are completed busted. Input failure on parries, dexes triggering considerably late. It's the most frustrating experience yet.
That's a bummer then.
In the video, Nimrod has AAR immunity against mutants, so most of this shouldn't happen. Unfortunately damage wise, he'll feel pretty bad against mags.
Not too sure about people taking like Void, Doom or Apoc if we're taking personalities into account. Sentry as well because he's a schizophrenic. You'll probably have a higher chance being killed by them than by some external force.
6* r1 Sunspot. Got the one-shot, but baiting out those sp1s were annoying when he wouldn't throw it and my incinerates fell off.
Tried it with tons of champs and took a load of time, but I finally managed the one-shot with a 4* r4 She-Hulk. She's by far the best option assuming you can continuously chain heavies, combo her and bait specials in the right corner. There was a couple times she held block when under a bar of power so I just chucked a…
Happened to me as well. The first time I doubted myself as I thought I played close to reset. But it happened a second time after the second reset. The rewards changed but the gaps with no rewards stayed the same with no rewards.
Can you then tell me what will be a fair comparison then? Being temporary makes it even more valuable then act 5 because these events come back every year or so. You can gain the rewards of act 5 only once. So that's the conclusion that you arrived at? A temporary arena offering 5k 6* shards along with some gold and units…
How is that even a fair comparison?
Cap IW but I've saved 3 dual crystals for tomorrow, so for now the Ags on standby.
Same guy with the same hot takes everytime a new champ is released...
Because IMIW has armor ups on most of the time that makes him immune to bleed effects during the duration.
If you've been having trouble with Act 4 then no. Rank up characters and practice in RoL if needed.
Aegon out of dungeon crystal.
Yep, it was stated back in forums a while back.
Just to everyone who thinks that blank accounts may be because of this event, I created a mini account ages ago and for some time it had blank name because I barely did anything on that account.
What if cav crystals offered duped 3*? Would that make it better?
Finally used it today for a skill gem for Aegon.
That's from the keycard challenge with Black Widow.
I’ve done five so far and all I’ve seen are four mystics and one cosmic. Doesn’t help that every time I do the rifts as well I get the worst rewards. Pulled sig stones 3 times 2k shards once and now 100 6* shards. I’m feeling pretty gloomy here as well.
Bit of a slow burn. Doesn't help if you get the 5* sig stones as well, which happens to be the most likely reward.
2k 5* shards. I'm bummed out.
Just don’t see it happening, especially with Maestro at the end.
Maybe make draw the brown pants? Would that work?
That was a one-off event.