Whole team AW punishment for one member piloting?

Ok, just want to ask a question and I’m trying not to cause any trouble or anything kabam, you guys are cool and I love the game...just had a issue that as a seasoned MCOC player I don’t understand and I hope you or anyone on the fourms could explain to me. I just found out that a player on our team was caught piloting and was banned, I have no issue with that and I can understand why they are banned...it’s just not fair gameplay, but as a leader of a so so alliance with mostly members that have been with me for a long time we have never had a problem...we are very active and have lots of fun playing the game and conversing, now the issue I see here is I know we took in some new members and I’m sure every alliance has and does and we have no idea of who they are or what they are doing, just go by there conversations and see how active they are...as far as I know there is no way to tell who is doing what wheather it be good or bad. Now my issue is, why would you punish the whole team and take there hard earned war rating away?...it doesn’t seem fair that the team as a whole would take the fall...wouldn’t it be fair to just ban the moron and take it out on them?, other than a mail message I don’t know who the main person is that did the piloting thing but as I said the whole team is very active and when I find out that a member hasn’t played for a week I’ll know who it is and kick them out, so it’s like a double whammy for them. Just don’t know why the whole teams at fault, and I can see if someone was piloting during the wars and we won that’s a false victory and should have that one players that cheated have there earned points taken away, not the whole team. Kabam you could really help us leaders/officers out if there was a way to screen our new recruits before we take them in...that would help everyone out, or have a blacklist of people who are known piloting. Now I know that this kind of feature is impossible but the way it seems is that your basically taking a chance every war with members that you have no idea of what there doing, that the whole team will be punished. There has got to be a better way then this. Why would players spend hours of there time wasted in a war they can’t win if by some chance a person is cheating and you loose anyway. I’m just very confused about the all for one and one for all punishment, could you please explain why that is please?
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I definitely agree with you on that, but there’s lots of good people that play the game right that get hurt, and without anyway to screen a new recruit we are kinda left in the dark...know what I mean? I believe there is more to the question at hand, I’m aware of what you stated, I appreciate your insight though.
"plausible deniability"
that's why you can't have nice things, and why you can swear on someone's relatives grave x29 times that you collectively had no idea there was a cheater in your midst BUT there's no way to know if each and every one of those 29 + 1 knew exactly what was really going on. Also: "guilt by association."
For a mobile game you hardcore players really take it to serious and it’s kinda silly, not everyone is the same as everyone else, not a big deal about the war rating, the piloting fool got banned and will be kicked, life goes on...guilty by association, come on give me a break....you make it sound like a real world crime, when the cyber police come knocking you all take the fall, what a joke. I’m sure one cheater on a team didn’t do much for a AW victory, like you said there’s 29 other members playing on the same ground. I have a hard time posting on here because there is always community members that swear by the grace of god they know everything about the game and in reality they haven’t got a clue...you didn’t make the game or design it or set the rules....the question was for a mod because they have the insight to give the right answer, I appreciate your input but your just a player like me so we really don’t know for sure if that answer is correct or not...plus your in jail, so your not essentially the person to tell me how things are, you must of had a gripe or question that didn’t go over well on the fourms and the real power like the modes put that cage over you. I wasn’t looking for speculation or even want our fellow community thinks about it....I want a moderator to answer the question because there the ones that only know for sure about how the game runs and works and can give a honest set in stone answer...everyone else is just there option and speculation, at the end of the day if your not a moderator or collecting paychecks from kabam then you answer for the question is just what you think and not solid. Don’t do the moderators job, I would like a answer from them if they have the time to answer me, just a simple question that’s going to take a real employee of kabam to answer for sure.
That means that a person with a game account gives there login and password to someone else so they can play there account, so basically it’s your account but someone else is playing it for you. I’m not a mod but I know for sure this is what it’s considered, hope that helps
I know my postings have a bit of length to them, I’m sorry for that. I believe if you have a question about something your want to make sure the person answering the question has enough information needed as possible to answer the question the best they can with info needed. Kinda like buying a car...if you walk into a dealership and tell the guy “Hey, I wanna buy a car.” Sure the guy can help but he’s really not know what type of car your interested in and the guy would need to fill in the blanks and that’s wasted time and energy, now if you walk in and say “Hey I’m looking to buy a 2007 Ford F-150 pickup truck with low miles and a automatic transmission with a V8...and I need a four wheel drive.” The dealership guy would know exactly what your looking for and could take you directly to what your looking for. For me, just be detailed on what your looking for and your get the most accurate answer or help from people. Great example, pick up the phone and order a pizza...just say “I would like-to order a pizza” see what the guy on the other end ask.