Venom not immune to Red Skull Power Burn

As it reads in Venom's abilities he's supposed to be immune to power control from tech champs. While venom is attacking into Red Skulls block, Venom's power is being drained. Intended/I'm not reading his ability correctly, or not intended.
I have video as back up.
I have video as back up.
Would you be able to tell me where you fought that Red Skull and what node buffs he might've had on him?
Fought him on Epic Mode on 3.2 but it was apparent on Master as well.
I went to test it in master EQ, and the only buffs were the global ones (sp3 active and I think 25% champion boost)
Klyntar buff was active, so everything should’ve worked, but his power burn/drain activated
I think it has some thing to do with RS’s passive “greatly increase the chance of his abilities activating” line of text in his passives
I hope its Not A Bug Because if its RedSkull Ability will be Useless
Sorry I don’t have a video, but this image should be proof enough this isn’t working. This is a picture of the fight I mentioned in my last comment
Klyntar buff up, only the sp3 active and champion boost nodes
That ain’t right, clearly
If you start a fight below 18%, his true strike doesn’t trigger
Yeah what im meant to say.
It isn't stated specifically that red skull has power burn. He power drains+deals direct damage based on number of buffs he has. So if you take damage it's normal, but the power meter should not be drained.
So what I'm seeing is the affect of it draining my health just not the power