Hey Darth_Semz! That is a nice looking 5* Hulkbuster you have there. I am glad for you! Congratulations on the pull!
So, help me understand something here, spice; why is it you mods and admins will take the time to respond to a thread like this with a mocking, troll comment, but refuse to address any threads that bring up ACTUAL issues with the game?
Suddenly HB feels like Blade super saiyan God
Thank you! I’m over the moon. Can’t wait to take to rank 99
Troll level 100
Full steam ahead
I ain’t talking about sig level. HB going rank 99/9000
Then I spend $5 each week on random class of daily FGMC offer. First was 5* Vulture and got 5* Sabretooth last week
So, help me understand something here, spice; why is it you mods and admins will take the time to respond to a thread like this with a mocking, troll comment, but refuse to address any threads that bring up ACTUAL issues with the game?