FREEDOM's just another word for nothing left to lose - LISTEN KABAM

i am a 3.7 yr howling commando.
I PLAY EVERY DAY. & EVERY day, ...i think about deleting mcoc.
& it's not just because of whiffing, block not working, obvious cash grab's or other things beyond my control, in the daily annoyances that make up mcoc,
but MOSTLY (& this'll sound odd) its cuz of what i CAN control.
ya see, a decade ago, i struggled with depression
& I'm happy to report, I'm happily living life, free of issues ....
However, i recently realized the similarities between the feelings of being stuck with no options, like your voice falls on deaf ears, just looking for a way out of a bad situation, that you just dont want to deal with anymore ....
& the desperate irrational thoughts that plauge me, while playing this game.
because, i can control & pick & choose which 4*s to play, lvl, rank, or sell.
BUT, i dont have that luxury & I cant control,
seeing every day, S Gwen, IP, JF, KK, IF, HOWARD, FIXIT, & other's
(THAT NOBODY WANTS KABAM) just because they are 5*s?
I shud be able to sell the less desirable or even hated champs,
for the shards to get stronger 6* champs, however i cant control that .....
but, i CAN control deleting the game from all my devices.
So, Is this where a Kabam Mod ignores this post, with their deaf ears,
or they disclose that selling 5*s will be re-enabled ?
does anyone think they will re-enable selling 5*s?
what about trading? (tho, i dont know anyone who wants KK,SG, ect)
I PLAY EVERY DAY. & EVERY day, ...i think about deleting mcoc.
& it's not just because of whiffing, block not working, obvious cash grab's or other things beyond my control, in the daily annoyances that make up mcoc,
but MOSTLY (& this'll sound odd) its cuz of what i CAN control.
ya see, a decade ago, i struggled with depression
& I'm happy to report, I'm happily living life, free of issues ....
However, i recently realized the similarities between the feelings of being stuck with no options, like your voice falls on deaf ears, just looking for a way out of a bad situation, that you just dont want to deal with anymore ....
& the desperate irrational thoughts that plauge me, while playing this game.
because, i can control & pick & choose which 4*s to play, lvl, rank, or sell.
BUT, i dont have that luxury & I cant control,
seeing every day, S Gwen, IP, JF, KK, IF, HOWARD, FIXIT, & other's
(THAT NOBODY WANTS KABAM) just because they are 5*s?
I shud be able to sell the less desirable or even hated champs,
for the shards to get stronger 6* champs, however i cant control that .....
but, i CAN control deleting the game from all my devices.
So, Is this where a Kabam Mod ignores this post, with their deaf ears,
or they disclose that selling 5*s will be re-enabled ?
does anyone think they will re-enable selling 5*s?
what about trading? (tho, i dont know anyone who wants KK,SG, ect)
This is what I got for exploring act 5.4. (I saved one 5* because I thought it would be fun) Quite disappointing I know but I didnt mind. Old man Logan was an awakening. I got 6* shards from that. If I sold him because I didn’t like him sure I’d get 6* shards but what if my next pull was old man Logan. I could have got 6* shards and kept my 5*. As well as more 6* shards when I got him again. Then when I max sig him I’d get double the 6* shards next time. Selling 5* champs isn’t worth it for the time it take to get them. I pulled a 5* magneto a few days ago but I’m not going to sell him because he’s not useful. Next time I get magneto that’s 6* shards and iso. Maybe they’ll even buff these champs and what if you sold a 5* iron fist, then a month later he get a buff.
Well....OG BP isn't that bad. Decent Bleed stacks, even Unduped. OML is underrated. Ronan has decent Stun when Awakened. Guess it's all a matter of who calls what worthless. Lol.
I know there not terrible, but there’s a lot better in the 5* basic right now. Was trying to give an example. I actually like Old man Logan but I’m at the point where I need specific champs to progress.
She's only good for instant 6* shards for stronger champs
I never shared my acc info, ended up getting hacked and banned for a week.
take that comment how you will.
when we cud have STRONGER 6* champs.
I'd never rank 5* RR, past rank 2, but wud gladly sell him,
for a stonger 6* RR. (i'd think most wud)
MrBanks, can you tell us more details?
That argument doesn't make any sense as a R1 6* is the same as a R4 5*. 6*'s of the same 5* don't really make them stronger really. I fought a duped 6* RR in AW today and took him down in 15 hits. You have to put 500k plus gold just to get them to Rank 1 along with all that ISO. Duping any 5* is how you get to be able to have more 6*'s later anyway which is the goal right now. You get decent stuff for duping those 5*'s too.
My opinion is that anyone with a history of anxiety and depression should actually stay away from this game. The game taxes your anxiety
(but my issues back then, were situational. circumstances have changed & bad times, are a distant memory)
otherwise, with RR example.... my point was, i will NEVER rank him past R2 as a 5, cause he's not worth it & he exists as a 6*
& yes, a R1 6* is as strong as a R4 5...
but again, I'd NEVER INVEST IN 5* RR,SG,KK,JF,ect
Yes ... we need better champs but Kabam is not making that as possible as it has to be
You’re complaining about what every player has to go through if you want to delete the game then delete (it’s not hurting the player base or them) and if you have or had depression complaining on mcoc forums is neither helping us or you. And you also realize you have to rank up the 5* champs to be able to get more 6* shards when you sell. So technically you’re complaining when kabam is trying to help you because if you duped any of those champs you’d be getting more 6* shards than you would get from selling them. And what I mean by you have to rank them up to get more shards is if I sold my max 4* I’d get 1,125 5* shards but if sold my r1 4* I’d only get 150 so go ahead and ruin you roster if you even watched any videos to best tips on this of the first things they says is NOT to sell champs
We have no plans to re-enable the sale of 5-Star Champions any time in the future. This may change, but not right now.
don't sell champions