Just pulled him as a 5* but don't know much about him in the game. Is he at least a decent champ and is he more of a defender or attacker or just arena fodder?
I haven’t heard a lick of good about him. I pulled him as a 5* a month ago or so and he just sits on the bench. I suppose you could try to annoy someone by sticking him on defense.
Bummer to hear that. Oh well I'm not terribly disappointed considering I thought the crystal I opened him from was gonna land on Karnak. Thanks for the reply
I’ve opened 4 of those featured 5* if that’s what you did and I got Karnak x 2, HTD, and Rhino so it could almost always be worse. Except Rhino. He’s always the worst.
Hey Eviscerator2021, if you haven't already, I recommend reviewing Red Skull's Champion Spotlight, located HERE. It contains lots of valuable information about his Abilities, strengths and weaknesses, recommended Masteries and Synergies, and should help you to use him as effectively as possible in The Contest.
Odd. I have been slaughtering with him with things equal and tougher. Nigh untouchable. What am I doing wrong? Not awaken, just copying the moves the computer used on me.
red skull's ok but he has his uses like when he charges for heavy attack he gets power gain even if it is a bit slow also red skull has a nice special 2 with 5 stacks of shock.Red skulls special 1 refreshes all shocks and stuns opponent.Blocking power drains the opponent and special 3 drains all f opponents power
Speak of the devil. Thanks a lot 5* shard arena 🙄😒