Kabam a response/clarification would be much appreciated :) - cyber Monday uncollected to cavalier

For cyber Monday offers, if you are uncollected and become cavalier half way through, will you get cavalier offers as well like on the 4th of July? I know quite a bit of people asking and would love and NEED clarification on this.
Thank you
Thank you
I received an In-game mail stating "The sales presented will not be altered or added to during the cyber weekend".
So probably no like 4th of July. It would be safer to get caviliar beforehand if possible. Good luck in any case.
This is the phrase that is confusing most people. It is pretty confusing wording. However, I think most people are in agreement that this means that the sales that are displayed (starting Friday and lasting till Monday for the whole "Cyber Weekend") will remain the same sales over the weekend. As in, new items/sales will not be added later on during the weekend or say on Monday after the initial sales start on Friday. This just means that people who are looking to buy offers can have peace of mind that they can spend starting Friday, without the fear that a new, better offer comes along Saturday, Sunday, or Monday to cause buyer's remorse because you already spent all your units / real money.
I'm pretty sure that if you change titles during the sale (i.e. Uncollected --> Cavalier), the store will update to the proper tier. This is what happened during 4th of July when tiered offers were first introduced. This is also a great incentive for Kabam to encourage players to clear hard content quickly (by spending money) and then to buy the shiny new sales offers (by spending money!!!!)
However, not an official Kabam employee so who knows? Just my two cents. Would be nice if a Mod could confirm.
As for the Question at hand, that is not an intended interaction of the Progression System, but is still possible. We do not make any guarantees that this will be the case any time going forward.
It's like we're getting "punished" for already being cavalier. Having said that I'm sure I'll spend more than I should as it is so maybe it is a good thing if i only see Cavalier deals.
but as i said it is probably a good thing that we likely won't be able to get the uncollected deals as well as i would end up spending more