Champs staying stuck in old arenas

Is anyone else having trouble with their champs being unuseable because they are stuck in old arenas? Up untill yesterday I had 5 stars stuck in longshot arena and a few of my 4 stars are still stuck in mojoverse arena

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In an effort to resolve this issue, please perform a force-restart of the Marvel: Contest of Champions app. This should free your Champions and make them accessible once again. If that doesn't work, I recommend trying the troubleshooting steps below.
- Android Troubleshooting
- iOS Troubleshooting
If your Champions remain stuck after having followed those steps, please reach out to our Support Team for further assistance. You can contact them by clicking HERE.
Alternatively, if you would prefer to contact our Support Team from within the game, simply click on the gear shaped icon, located in the top left corner of the Home screen. From there, tap the button which says “Support”, then tap the button that says “Need more help? Contact us”.