Imbalanced Matchup in AW

Hi Kabam, i hope the team can fix this ridiculous algorithm you are using to matchup the opponents.
My alliance is 10mil rating. Opponent is 27mil rating. Are you serious?

My alliance is 10mil rating. Opponent is 27mil rating. Are you serious?

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What is this?
So it’s either your alliance is in too high a tier, or your opponent’s too low (seems like the former though).
A 30mil alliance purposely losing to go to gold3.
A 10mil alliance playing to their hardest to reach gold3.
There's tons of alliance in my current war rating that are definitely lesser than 15mil.
This "fairness" you talk about, just meant the otherwise. Play hard to lose a game, then whats the point in playing?
Just take the loss and drop to a more manageable war rating.
We are continuing to work to improve our matchmaking parameters with every Season, and even in between. Some Wars will be more difficult than others.n
I dont mind taking the loss, but to take the loss with absolutely no chance of winning is bitter.
Will be good if you can manage to match war eating + alliiance rating.
"some war will be more difficult than others"
This aint more difficult, this is simply impossible.
To xNig, please do not simply assume that my alliance have been fighting easier alliance for previous matches, if you want data, i can give it to you now.
You only get promoted to a higher league when your rating/prestige increases to get you there.
Otherwise, technically an alliance of all 3*s could get to Platinum rewards, if it matches on alliance rating/prestige, not war rating.
We are silver 2, so no real dog in the race, but it's not fair on the largest alliances, who spend a lot and effectively keep the game running, to only be matched against each other, but for comparatively much smaller alliances, spending far less and fighting much easier opponents, to get better rewards.
Choose the sport of your choice; football (UK or us), baseball, boxing, cricket, motor racing. You can't have a college team, playing only other colleges, getting the same rewards as the top five global teams in the respective game.
All 3*s alliance can win as much as they want, but following the above, how far can they go?
Lets just say they managed to get platinum rewards, so you're saying they will not open the crystals after the rewards are in? This game does not allow trading, so even if they win 10 times of platinum rewards, is there a point in doing so?
Right, they can hog the rewards after 10 seasons later and then open them and play in it. 10 seasons total up to almost 250-270days of hogging. Would you do that, just to obtain the 10 sets of rewards?
Im only asking to play in fair matchups. Not a lot to ask for.
We play to try to win at every scenario which gives us a chance to do so, not to play to lose at an impossible scenario, thus being helpless.
Nobody likes feeling helpless.
You deserve prizes, from the lower leagues. Why should any team, that can't beat a single top team, get better rewards than the top teams, if they never play against them?
Those top teams, keep this game running, more than anyone. Having a situation where an alliance of all 3*s could theoretically get top rewards, without playing a single top team, is wrong.
This needed to be rebalanced. This is hopefully, the start of this happening.
For the sake of the top Alliances feeling like this game is fair and keeping them pay what they do, which allows the rest of us to not pay, it's worth you being rofflestomped for a season.
When you're good at something, you move up. That is the essence of a game. You advance, allowing more alliance to subsequently move up as well, then you create more tiers, expanding the game.
If this process of advancement through fair means cant even be implemented, it is not a game.
So a powerful team like Madrid can be allowed to stay in a "league" to kick the rest of 19 team's asses without moving up a tier to fight teams of their league?
Teams move up a tier when they win until the point where they hit a dead-end, but they hit that dead-end within their leagues.
Is my alliance hitting a dead-end with a team that is within my league? No, apparently not.
Anyway, thank you for your insights, i will take this loss even though it is bitter.
Is this matchmaking a fair???
We opponent
A.rating 178000000 35400000
Avg player 550000 800k+
Prestige 7100 10100
Is this is fair matchmaking??????????
Matter of fact is, if you’re a 10.4m ally with 5.4k prestige, it is highly unlikely that your alliance should be at 2.2k rating based on the average BG setup.