this is gold that i have now
i had 6.2ml before that.
i can spend my limit anytime from my 6.2 and i think i will be safe, but i saw people who had 60k 100k 20m on ther acc and they are spending this gold. okay thats kinda wrong, but you did this kabam, you give us those rewards to claim. i will not be impressed if some people will spend millions. but don't ban those people kabam! just fix everything and also fix arena! i was trying to win AA. now it's not possible. fix everything, do some compensation for AA and falcon grinders and dont ban anyone! if you will ban even 1 person, there will be #boycottmcoc2.0
because players should not pay the price for your mistakes! they already paying you alot.

i had 6.2ml before that.
i can spend my limit anytime from my 6.2 and i think i will be safe, but i saw people who had 60k 100k 20m on ther acc and they are spending this gold. okay thats kinda wrong, but you did this kabam, you give us those rewards to claim. i will not be impressed if some people will spend millions. but don't ban those people kabam! just fix everything and also fix arena! i was trying to win AA. now it's not possible. fix everything, do some compensation for AA and falcon grinders and dont ban anyone! if you will ban even 1 person, there will be #boycottmcoc2.0
because players should not pay the price for your mistakes! they already paying you alot.
This discussion has been closed.
some of my members did that . but small amounts for test if its possible to spend while gold was unusable in arena
Im just hoping we dont get screwed by donating tons load of gold to our treasure bank.
Tried to See if it worked. Looks like it stops at 500, but somehow claims insufficient funds for arena (401)
I saw someone with 9 QUADRILLION GOLD!!! Kabam screwed up ig time, if only they would forget to roll back the gold, just like they forgot to fix the AoU Vision bug
yeahm i think lot of people will do that. lot of skilled, fiar, and long time players. if someone will be banned becouse of that people will do something insane. there will be real war
Yes. However, I don't think that's cause for concern. They can just as easily deduct what was added from the Treasury. I can't see that as being considered an Exploit. An attempt to keep it, perhaps. Lol.
I really don't see a reason to worry. They won't likely do anything punitive for this situation. I can't comment officially, of course. However, my guess is they will simply remove the erroneous Rewards, whether from the Treasury or the Players. For now, it's best to leave it in the Account and hold off on spending until it's sorted.
It's not the same situation in this instance.
We have addressed this in this post here: http://forums.playcontestofchampions.com/en/discussion/20905/regarding-gold-from-skirmish-rewards-and-issues-in-arenas-following-claiming-skirmish-rewards