Tier 5 class catalyst shards on glory store

Good day ladies and gentleman...I was wondering when would the tier 5 class catalyst shards be available in the glory store...we all dream to rank 3 our 6* champions...make our dream a reality please and thank you...
Post edited by Kabam Loto on
Hello @Zan0. Thank you for helping out to the fellow summoner @BaraBawa93 with your useful tip. We appreciate it!
Hello @BaraBawa93. Thank you for your recent topic! I've moved it to the General Discussion board for better visibility.
Plenty of places to get T5CC. Pick one and go.
Thronebreaker needs perks, it needs things that inspire you to push for it instead of being happy with Cav. If cav had t5cc from glory store, then TB pretty much only has the 5% calendar t5cc, Carina Challenges and daily crystals. Take any of these things away, and TB starts to look a lot less appetising- especially when Carina Challenges don't really count, since they are permanent. TB only really have the daily crystals and t5cc that you can miss out on by not pushing.
Keep TB perks, let Cav get TB the same way that the rest of us did, by pushing AQ, AW, act 6, 7 abyss and variant. Every new piece of content that comes out with T5cc makes it a little easier. Every new variant, or act 7 chapter etc
I’m not saying Cav should have same perks as TB. There should be a distinction of rewards, so you know one is clearly better than the other. However, in terms of better rewards if TB is getting 5% T5CC I propose Cav gets 2% T5CC.
And not pulling the class you need is actually very unlikely. Assuming you have opened multiple 6 stars the odds of not getting the class you need goes as follows:
10 crystals: 16.16% chance you do not have the class you want
15 crytstals: 6.5% you do not have the class you want
20 crystals: 2.61%
25 crystals: 1.05%
30 crystals: 0.42%
It will never become 0% but the chances are so so small, you basically have a champion to r3 after opening more than 20 6* crystals.
Will that be the best of the best champ to rank up? Probably not. But at that point you need to ask yourself the question. Do you want to rather upgrade a god tier as your first r3. or do you want to become thronebreaker.
Cavs already have enoughs ways to get TB. It's supposed to be the next progression milestone. Not something that should be given on a silver platter with a week of easy map 4 grinding.
P.S: I may have just got my 11th 6 star but I'm just one quest away from act 6 completion and well on my way to forming t5cc. So, I'm pretty sure I'm the target demographic for any changes with t5cc.
Maybe then people would think of you a bit differently than the childish front you’re presenting.
If you aren't TB, they are not and will not be in the shop until you get TB. Why? Because the game is designed the way, that the first T5cc should be a big challenge to obtain. And as of now, the t5cc shards have been literally raining. Also, since even low tier alliances give great amount of Glory, the offer would have to be ridiculously expensive.