Angela Sig Bugged

So I was doing a quest fight and I noticed that against Angela my parries were getting shrugged off faster, I got hit a few times “on purpose” so she could get more buffs and then she started shrugging off my parries instantly. I’m pretty sure this is a bug since she is only supposed to shrug off damaging debuffs
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Please include as much information from this template as possible with your report.
Device and Version: (Example, iPhone 7) Be sure to include make and model of the device you are playing on when experiencing the issue.
Device Operating System: (Example, iOS 11) You can find out the operating system on an iPhone by going to Settings, then General and scrolling down to “Version.” You can find the operating system version on Android by going to Apps, then Settings and “About Device.”
Mobile Carrier: (Example AT&T) If your device uses cellular data, please include information about your data provider.
Cellular or WiFi: Does this issue happen when you are using cellular data, WiFi or both?
Game Version Installed: To check which version of the game you have installed, go to the App Store or Play Store and confirm that you have the latest version installed which will show you the number. (Example, 17.1.5)
Game Mode: In which game mode did the error occur? Story Quests, Event Quests, Arena, Alliance Quest or Alliance War.
Champions Affected: Which Champions are affected by this issue? What is their Rank, Level and which Signature Abilities do they have unlocked?
Active Boosts: Are you using any boosts when you experience this issue?
Description of the Issue: Please include a full and complete description of the problem you are experiencing with as much relevant detail as possible. Include how often it happens (once, sometimes or always) and how long you've been experiencing the issue.
Screenshot or Video: If you are able to capture a screenshot or video that helps visually demonstrate the issue you are experiencing, please include it along with your report. More information on how to take a screenshot can be found here.
IPhone SE
Operating system:
IOS 14.5.1
Mobile carrier:
Cellular or WiFi:
This happens on both cellular and WiFi
Game version installed:
Latest version
Game mode:
I saw it happen in story content and duels but I assume it happens in all forms of content
Champions effected:
Duped versions of Angela, all star levels are effected by this
Active boosts:
No boosts were active
Issue description:
Angela’s signature ability is shortening the duration of both non-damaging and damaging debuffs. However, her description states it should only shorten the duration of damaging debuffs
Screenshot or video: N/A