Wow this is insane!!!

Two days ago I beat the Grandmaster and got this:

And today from the side quest I got this:

My mind is blown!!!

And today from the side quest I got this:

My mind is blown!!!
Just r2 6 star sunspot so might be a bit before she's r2
You're better off than I am
They keep giving me bloody tech 😂
dayweek; it's like the opposite of that Joker quote.“All it takes is one bad day to reduce the sanest man alive to lunacy. That's how far the world is from where I am . Just one bad day.”
Getting the bad pulls out of the way.
and then you can do this
And get this
Aaaaand i did that and got this, i really think that Kabam doesn't give good champs when You make fast content
JK, Awesome pulls, congratz.
taking all the luck