Proving Grounds Expert Daily Quest is now 2 Paths instead of 3, a nice change.

It now matches the Catalyst Vault and ISO-8 expert daily quests, 2 paths instead of the old 3 paths; less energy for what seems to be around the same rewards. I didn't see this change in the 35.1 QOL update post, but well done, it's a good change for the better.
Technical Answer: There's actually 2 versions of the Daily Proving grounds. This is done as a technicality so that we can force Users onto a new Map if they left themselves in that quest, preventing them from getting new rewards the next day. We were able to update 1 before, but not the other.
The new version should be available moving forward tomorrow, and we'll have an announcement to go with it. While we did plan to do it like this on purpose, I did not know that you would get a preview yesterday and thought it was going to happen with the new release next week, so I apologize for not announcing it in advance.