Hey there, would you be able to share the footage of what you're seeing? Or would be able to share the info requested in the forum bug report template?
Sure but the photos above from thebair123 shows exactly what my photos would show. I do have a video of a fight with only hood on team and then restarting the same quest and path with both on the team
So synergies seem to be bugged for a few champions (Hood, Doctor Strange, and a few others probably). Wish they got looked into because synergies are a core aspect of team building and questing. Hope we get those synergies fixed soon.
@Kabam Zibiit Here's more video proof of this broken synergy with Hood and Stryfe as requested. As you will see, while invisible, the damage #'s are identical without and with Stryfe on the team.
So this synergy with Stryfe clearly isn't working and in reviewing past videos from when Stryfe first came out, it has NEVER worked. Since this is the bug forum, can we please get this submitted to devs and looked into? Thanks in advance!
The Bull Targets Synergy between Hood and Stryfe is not working since it was released last January 2021.
As per description of the said synergy, The Hood should gain +50 attack rating while Invisible, however this synery is bugged since it was release last January 2021 and The Hood never gain +50 attack rating while his Invisibility is active.
People have been reporting this bug including me who regularly send a complaint ticket every month requesting for a bug fix. Only 3 months to go, this bug will enter its second year of existence.
I have attached photos of my investigation on this bug.
Light attack not invisible w/Stryfe
Light attack while invisible w/Stryfe
Light attack not invisible w/o Stryfe
Light attack invisible w/o Stryfe
I do have a video of a fight with only hood on team and then restarting the same quest and path with both on the team
Let me know if that doesn’t work
Non-crit light = 609
Non-crit med = 949
Crit light = 1856
Crit med = 2895
i've never seen a difference in attack with/without the Stryfe synergy.
As per description of the said synergy, The Hood should gain +50 attack rating while Invisible, however this synery is bugged since it was release last January 2021 and The Hood never gain +50 attack rating while his Invisibility is active.
People have been reporting this bug including me who regularly send a complaint ticket every month requesting for a bug fix. Only 3 months to go, this bug will enter its second year of existence.
I have attached photos of my investigation on this bug.