It was a very easy fight, I managed a Herc solo even with invisible traps, surely noone burned through tens of tens of revives knowing it's bugged. If I couldn't do it with the bug I'd wait.
It was a very easy fight, I managed a Herc solo even with invisible traps, surely noone burned through tens of tens of revives knowing it's bugged. If I couldn't do it with the bug I'd wait.
Insert disagrees below.
Took me 4 tries to know it's bugged. I read through the abilities a hundred time and couldn't figure out for the life of me why the traps weren't showing up. It's an easy fight, yes. Just because you got lucky with the traps doesn't mean no one can burn through revives on this fight. Now I'm stuck here because I don't want to exit. Waiting for the bug to be fixed.
I was able to manage; just had to remember where the traps were dropped. I am curious to see how this is addressed. I'm not looking for compensation, but understand the frustration.
I brought her down to 45% in my first try then the nightmare starts it took me around 8-9 revives to bring her down.I used specials, heavy left right and centre but still got trapped it was so frustrating fight
It was a very easy fight, I managed a Herc solo even with invisible traps, surely noone burned through tens of tens of revives knowing it's bugged. If I couldn't do it with the bug I'd wait.
Insert disagrees below.
Took me 4 tries to know it's bugged. I read through the abilities a hundred time and couldn't figure out for the life of me why the traps weren't showing up. It's an easy fight, yes. Just because you got lucky with the traps doesn't mean no one can burn through revives on this fight. Now I'm stuck here because I don't want to exit. Waiting for the bug to be fixed.
Not lucky, you know where the traps are, they are set at her feet... As I say using 4 is understandable if you feel the need to push through. But I'm more so directing it towards the usual suspects that complain after burning 10-20 revives knowing it's bugged then complaining.
The trap is literally set at her feet, just remember where it is. Granted this shouldn't be an issue and should be compensated. But let's not over play it. There are many more visual bugs than her traps, even with invisible traps it's such an easy fight. All you need is a basic 5 second memory.
The trap is literally set at her feet, just remember where it is. Granted this shouldn't be an issue and should be compensated. But let's not over play it. There are many more visual bugs than her traps, even with invisible traps it's such an easy fight. All you need is a basic 5 second memory.
But have they made it known to the players that don’t check forums? Have you seen a ingame notification telling players there is a visual bug? To those players they might go in knowing and might not understand
Hey there, there is already a thread going for this issue here. The team is still looking into possible fixes for the issue and as soon as they have more information to share, we'll update everyone there.
Insert disagrees below.
Now I'm stuck here because I don't want to exit. Waiting for the bug to be fixed.