Paragon achieved.

JhonST33JhonST33 Member Posts: 662 ★★★


  • SpideyFunkoSpideyFunko Member Posts: 21,964 ★★★★★
  • Gunner14Gunner14 Member Posts: 36
    Awesome. Congratulations!
  • Spurgeon14Spurgeon14 Member Posts: 1,665 ★★★★
    I like all your R4s. Herc and Apoc are at the top of my list! And then BWCV if I get a Mystic gem and most likely Ultron if I get a Tech gem! 😊 Congratulations!
  • JhonST33JhonST33 Member Posts: 662 ★★★

    I like all your R4s. Herc and Apoc are at the top of my list! And then BWCV if I get a Mystic gem and most likely Ultron if I get a Tech gem! 😊 Congratulations!

    I don't adviced you rank up ultron, you don't see many differences between a maxed rank 3 and a maxed rank 4, also I must said that I don't use him in act 8 exploration, maybe for 2 paths, instead apocalypse and Hércules were my most valuable champions but that's my opinion go for you enjoyed the most.
  • KyloKylo Member Posts: 124
  • willrun4adonutwillrun4adonut Member Posts: 5,803 ★★★★★
    Welcome to the club. Why’d you pick the champs you did?
  • Kabam ZibiitKabam Zibiit Administrator Posts: 7,033
  • JhonST33JhonST33 Member Posts: 662 ★★★

    Welcome to the club. Why’d you pick the champs you did?

    I really feel comfortable with Hércules and CV, I chosed her over doom or Sorcerer Supreme, they both are always on my team.
    Honestly ultron was upgraded for my nephew and doo not misunderstand me, he help me a lot on act 7 exploration but I think he has a lot of limitations, the principal is bleed inmune or debuff inmune nodes or champs, this kind of nodes or champs just shut down him completely.
  • Spurgeon14Spurgeon14 Member Posts: 1,665 ★★★★
    @JhonST33 Did you use a Tech gem on Ultron? In the case of a gem, would you in retrospect take Warlock up over Ultron? I understand Ultron's limitations, but outside of those he seems so solid. I love Warlock, especially for his passive heal that comes in clutch, but I would think he is good at R3 and Ultron could be more fun at R4...idk, just a thought. I don't really have any other good Tech besides those 2 and saw you took Ultron up over Warlock...
  • JhonST33JhonST33 Member Posts: 662 ★★★

    @JhonST33 Did you use a Tech gem on Ultron? In the case of a gem, would you in retrospect take Warlock up over Ultron? I understand Ultron's limitations, but outside of those he seems so solid. I love Warlock, especially for his passive heal that comes in clutch, but I would think he is good at R3 and Ultron could be more fun at R4...idk, just a thought. I don't really have any other good Tech besides those 2 and saw you took Ultron up over Warlock...

    Was a Tech gem, as I mentioned above my nephew took him to rank 4, is his favorite character in MCU, but yea I would rather upgrade warlock in fact I use more my rank 3 warlock than ultron.
    I guess people are forgetting warlock due Nimrod or omega but he still having great habilites, principally the passive heal block and the passive power drain, plus he don't need any sinergies.
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