WOW rewards

I spent so much time and effort on that stupid quest. I finally complete it, open a 7* and guess what comes out. MY SECOND MOST HATED CHAMPION IN THE ENTIRE GAME... Lady D
I honestly feel like Kabam has on purpose cursed my account with the worst luck possible... My luck in crystals has been SO BAD over past few months.
I honestly feel like Kabam has on purpose cursed my account with the worst luck possible... My luck in crystals has been SO BAD over past few months.
Wasted Titan..... I can understand you
Hey it could be worse, you could’ve duped Morbius (maybe he’s good at sig 299 but at sig 20, this does nothing for me)
But as emilia said, she would be Still be there.
Photon, then i duped Photon then duped Morbius, duped Photon 2nd time, and i’ve opened one more today, and what i’ve got is really really making me want to quit this game. 2nd dupe of Morbius. 5 crystals 4 dupes!!!!!!!! Yes yes you i know it’s rng but this kind of things makes you don’t want to play. And i love this game. Even despite it’s issues with parry, dex, AI. Sorry but had to complain a little. Have a good day.
Couldn’t have taken you that much time, right?
Yeah she's good, but a pretty bad titan pull.
Regarding defense, she will be a great bg defender if opponent didn't draft a herc, Hulkling, galan, venom, venompool, king groot, deathless king groot, Cgr, Vox, Adam warlock, Serpent or gorr. Lol.