Rank-Up 5-Star Goblin (unduped) or 4-star Starkey (Duped lvl-19)

Love Starkey, he's part of my Attack Trio... but I know Good 5-Stars will take me further in the game!!!! AND it will be awhile before I have 3-Four-Star Tech Catalysts again!!!
If you can provide good reasons for your choice, I'd deeply appreciate anything you say!!!
If you can provide good reasons for your choice, I'd deeply appreciate anything you say!!!
Rank-Up 5-Star Goblin (unduped) or 4-star Starkey (Duped lvl-19) 33 votes
Until you're swimming in 5* 4/55 champs or 6* 1/25 champs (which could easily be a year, if not longer), a maxed out 4* champ can hit just as hard as anyone else on your roster, especially when we're talking about Sparky.
I was in the same boat as you 2 months ago... I was only going to focus on bringing my 5* champs to 3/45. Then, because of the Dungeon prestige requirements, I decided to take Sparky to R5 - and he's back to being my main attacker, even over 3/45 Blade, Iceman, Hela, and Medusa.
EDIT: And for context, I use him for Uncollected EQ, Tier 5 AW, and now for exploring Act 5. He basically one-shot all of 5.4 outside of the boss fights.
THAT is exactly the kind of advice I was hoping for!!! Right down to the examples of where, how and why Starkey is the one to Rank Up!
That was exactly what I was hoping to hear when I posted!!
Edit: somehow managed to find this un-updated and posted the above thinking my 1st attempt had failed!
1. The possibility of 5 stars- if you ever pull a 5* star lord, you will have to pull him twice for him to be good. If you ever pull a 5* sparky, he will be good out of the box.
2. Damage- star lord's damage output is pretty much limitless, while sparky will quickly cap out.
3. Animations- maybe personal preference, but I really dislike sparky's animations because they make it difficult to intercept. Meanwhile starlord has very straightforward attacks that are easy to intercept with. I really noticed the differences between the two while fighting uncollected guilly
4. It depends on your progress as a player, for act 4 and event quest star lord might be better, for act 5 I think starky is more versatile.
I have a 4/55 sparky and a 5/50 star lord. Even so, I often will choose star lord over sparky for the above reasons, mostly because of his insane damage. You wouldn't go wrong with either. In terms of damage output, my star lord can still kill ws faster than my sparky. He makes short work of most fights in early act 5. Sparky is better in medium and has way more utility- evade, taunt (baiting/weakening opponent), guaranteed stun, power drain.