Collartech does not function as stated

Hello Kabam,

I unlocked 5/5 collartech to test out with various tech champs.
The retrofitted tech isn't working as described. Example hitting winter soldier 9 times at the start of the fight with a 5* 3/5 Luke cage and other nontech champs gets wintersoldier to an l1. This is consistent each try. We should expect to see an additional 1.62 punches to achieve the same result as a nontech champ. Ie 10-11 hits (9* 1.18) with collartech at 5/5 (18% reduction). However imiw at 5* 3/5 hits ws 9 times. Sl 9 times, cw the same, Dr oc the same. There should be a margin separating these from the non tech champs but there is not.
Additionally With 18% reduction in power gain we should expect to see wintersoldier need more hits to the player to reach an l1. This is also not the case. 12 hits gets him to l1 when he is hitting my cw, sl, imiw, doc oc as well as lc, dormamu, blade, cap marvel. All champs are r3/5 5* or higher with the exception of sl (5/50 4*) and one of the cw (4/40 4* and an r2 5*)

I am asking kabam to review this mastery and either correct it's functionality or change it's wording to how it actually functions. It currently does not work as described but continues to be promoted in champ profiles like green gobin and red skull. Thank you


  • JC_JC_ Member Posts: 517 ★★★
    I’ve been wondering about this.

    Following this thread.

    I searched the forums and couldn’t find an answer from a mod about collar tech, hopefully someone answers here.
  • CosmicZenCosmicZen Member Posts: 54
    Please feel free to duel me in game and see if you get the same results. I have collartech at 5/5 and my champ is a 6* gg. Any posted results are greatly appreciated.
  • JC_JC_ Member Posts: 517 ★★★

    How much would it cost you to remove all 5 points then replace them?

    I could duel you now at 5/5, then again at 0/5 and see if there is any difference.
  • JaffacakedJaffacaked Member Posts: 1,415 ★★★★
    JC_ wrote: »

    How much would it cost you to remove all 5 points then replace them?

    I could duel you now at 5/5, then again at 0/5 and see if there is any difference.

    It would cost 0 since masteries are free to change at the moment.
  • JC_JC_ Member Posts: 517 ★★★

    Right you are, i forgot about that. 👍 thank you.

    @CosmicZen going to duel you now
  • CosmicZenCosmicZen Member Posts: 54
    edited September 2018
    JC_ wrote: »

    How much would it cost you to remove all 5 points then replace them?

    I could duel you now at 5/5, then again at 0/5 and see if there is any difference.

    My gg would not be my top champ once I remove the collartech unfortunately.

    I have 5/5 collar tech and my main champ is a 6* green goblin. Please duel me and let me know :
    1. How many hits you take to get gg to an l1
    2. how many hits you make to gg to get him to an l1.
    3. Run the same 2 tests against any other summoner without collartech (probably everyone).
    4. Post results

  • JC_JC_ Member Posts: 517 ★★★
    Never mind, your avatar champ is iceman even though he has lower PI than your GG.
  • Noodes_Noodes_ Member Posts: 113
    Reducing power gain, in other contexts, does not refer to the normal power from basic hits; instead, it is a reduction to power gain abilities
  • CosmicZenCosmicZen Member Posts: 54
    Noodes_ wrote: »
    Reducing power gain, in other contexts, does not refer to the normal power from basic hits; instead, it is a reduction to power gain abilities

    It's worded poorly for their intentions if this is correct. Why not word it "Reduces power gained from abilities or nodes by 18%" This would only impact xforce, cable, Loki, Hyperion, mordo or a specific power gain node. Doesn't seem to make sense since only xpool was around for a long time after it was released.
  • PandamanPetePandamanPete Member Posts: 107
    @Kabam Miike can this get looked into?
  • CosmicZenCosmicZen Member Posts: 54
    Could we at least get clarity on what the mastery is intended to do?
  • CosmicZenCosmicZen Member Posts: 54
    Can we get a reply from kabam on this mastery and what it's wording actually means? Is it passive power gain or all power gain?
  • CosmicZenCosmicZen Member Posts: 54
    Still doesn't appear to be working
  • JC_JC_ Member Posts: 517 ★★★
    We really need someone with collar tech who has a tech as their top champ so we can run some tests.
  • Kabam ZibiitKabam Zibiit Administrator Posts: 7,033
    Hey there, we've double-checked Collar Tech and it is showing to be working properly and correctly reducing the power opponents gain from both attacking and being hit. On a smaller scale, that reduction in power gain could still leave an opponent with power for a SP1 after the first 9 hits. On a larger scale though, it would still result in the opponent gaining less power, and being able use fewer special attacks than they normally could over the course of a fight.
  • CosmicZenCosmicZen Member Posts: 54
    @Kabam Zibiit thanks for the reply. What's odd is that my results are the same time and time again. Even getting to an l2 is not impacted by the mastery. I appreciate you looking into the mastery but I'm not convinced it is working per the discription. Was this impacted by the diminishing returns roll out? Should I expect to see less than an 18%?
  • Zuko_ILCZuko_ILC Member Posts: 1,524 ★★★★★
    CosmicZen wrote: »
    @Kabam Zibiit thanks for the reply. What's odd is that my results are the same time and time again. Even getting to an l2 is not impacted by the mastery. I appreciate you looking into the mastery but I'm not convinced it is working per the discription. Was this impacted by the diminishing returns roll out? Should I expect to see less than an 18%?

    Working as intended
  • JC_JC_ Member Posts: 517 ★★★
    @Kabam Zibiit thank you for taking the time to look into it and replying! I have been wondering about this for a while.
  • Stamatakos24Stamatakos24 Member Posts: 23
    Collar tech still not working! Spend units to unlock but it down not do what it promises. Kabam replies once again after years that it is working correctly! Honestly with collar tech at 9% after an 8 hit combo do you find any differences? Because is am not!
  • Mirage_TurtleMirage_Turtle Member Posts: 1,868 ★★★★

    I'd suggest running this again, but you'll need to remove some variables.

    First, you should let us know what combos you used. 8-hit combos aren't super common. MLLLM, MLM? MLLL MLLL? What were your hits? Was it consistent between the two fights.

    Seconds, you should use a tech champ and a non tech champ, but they should be of the same rarity and rank to avoid any interference with the challenger rating. You can use Star Lord, but compare him vs. another rank 5 5 star champ that isn't tech. Or use an r1 tech 6* champ.

    I'm interested in this, but you'll need to remove the variables to prove your case. Please post back what you find.
  • Mcoc_gamer_481Mcoc_gamer_481 Member Posts: 62

    Collar tech still not working! Spend units to unlock but it down not do what it promises. Kabam replies once again after years that it is working correctly! Honestly with collar tech at 9% after an 8 hit combo do you find any differences? Because is am not!

    Sl is ending on a medium and spidey is launching lights making it seem as if different combos have been done
  • Stamatakos24Stamatakos24 Member Posts: 23


    I'd suggest running this again, but you'll need to remove some variables.

    First, you should let us know what combos you used. 8-hit combos aren't super common. MLLLM, MLM? MLLL MLLL? What were your hits? Was it consistent between the two fights.

    Seconds, you should use a tech champ and a non tech champ, but they should be of the same rarity and rank to avoid any interference with the challenger rating. You can use Star Lord, but compare him vs. another rank 5 5 star champ that isn't tech. Or use an r1 tech 6* champ.

    I'm interested in this, but you'll need to remove the variables to prove your case. Please post back what you find.


    I'd suggest running this again, but you'll need to remove some variables.

    First, you should let us know what combos you used. 8-hit combos aren't super common. MLLLM, MLM? MLLL MLLL? What were your hits? Was it consistent between the two fights.

    Seconds, you should use a tech champ and a non tech champ, but they should be of the same rarity and rank to avoid any interference with the challenger rating. You can use Star Lord, but compare him vs. another rank 5 5 star champ that isn't tech. Or use an r1 tech 6* champ.

    I'm interested in this, but you'll need to remove the variables to prove your case. Please post back what you find.

    My friend I can run it as many times you want with any champion you want...there is no difference...the result is always the same! Collar tech is not working! In the video I record after your demand I placed two champs with no abilities that prevent power gain or anything similar to this ( Star Lord 5* r5 and Black Widow classic 5* r5 almost the same signature level ). Furthermore I played exactly the same way, no parry and 8 hit combo excactly as I write...MLLLM and MLL. As you can see below in the pictures the result with 3/5 collar tech is again the same! So where is that 9% Kabam promises??
  • Stamatakos24Stamatakos24 Member Posts: 23

  • Kabam ZibiitKabam Zibiit Administrator Posts: 7,033
    edited April 2020
    Hey there, if you have an issue to report, we ask that you share the information requested in the Forum Bug Report Template, as well as any video you might have. We would also ask that you avoid bumping threads from a few years ago and instead make a new thread if you wish to make a report, in order to avoid confusion and mixing up information in new reports with those from that far back. That said, as mentioned in our original response, the reduction could be harder to clearly see in smaller combos and still let the opponent reach a SP1 after 8 or 9 hits, but that reduction can add up and have a bigger impact over the course of more hits and a longer fight.
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