Des99 ★★
kingpin and aegon benefit a lot more from the awakening
i'd go with moleman, spidey 2099 and peni parker
Archangel, apoc is a close second though
I think tomorrow when the new eq drops
ultron's evade that triggers even when you try to parry
glad to be of help
used mine on archangel
apoc,magneto,archangel and ultrondans What champs did you rank as a 6* even though you had them as a maxed 5*? Commentaire de Des99 mars 2022
kitty pride, spidey 2099, ihulk and quake if you know how to play her are all great options
i did the entire path with she hulk and white magneto pre fight
i have 4k units and over 50 revives in overflow and tons of energy refills as well
namor only if you can take him to sig200 or sunspot but he needs high sig too
i would go with either claire or diablo
bring a reverse control counter like professor x or mr.sinister or even emma frost with mysterio synergy
cosmic or mutant still can't decide
Black panther og
banned champs are banned for both sides so neither of you can use them
spinning is much more fun
Diablo, he's a beast with suicides
if running suicides 3/3 needed
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INFINITY~491 GGC's black panther OG
you can just wait for 14 days to pass then start gifting
don't use specials or heavies and its an easy fight with any champ, just a long fight.
ghost, stealth suit, venom
ghost quake mags doom cgr