DiablosUltimate ★★★
This month would be almost good, but for some reason they decided to make it as unenjoyable as possible by locking all rewards behind 100% exploration and make it time locked, so we have to wait 3 weeks to get any rewards, and it ruins it all. 2/10
Hopefully you have stark spidey and ghost rider for him, cuz without these synergies he is rather garbagedans Next 5 star in 5 and a half hours, send your luck my way! Commentaire de DiablosUltimate septembre 2019
Yea I will take 30 revives and 750 units for free anytime
Don't you mean high performance mode?
No more mystic. Need more mutant and cosmic
Let go of heroic, it's a waste of both time and energy
Red skull is garbage, he won't help you clear act 5 or anything else
They can't even get fundamental things in this game right, and you expect attention to detail lol
Should be other way around - one point in dexterity and maxed parry. And it's one thing to have them unlocked, and another to be able to use them consistently. You don't want to grind units or spend to buy them, then you must get perfect at parry and dexterity at very least to never get hit
Practice parry and dexterity, in short get good
Nah, strange is garbage
The metaphore with horse and carriage does not translate into this particular scenario very well, because cars make it easier for everyone, while making act4 easier makes it only easier for those who haven't completed it yet. I had to put that effort to 100% act4 to get these mastery points, and now someone else is…
I hope that month will end 6months or so chain of dissapointments
I fully support Sony with pulling Spider-Man back. They have been playing very nice so far, enabling Spider-Man to join MCU in the first place, but it seems you just can't play nice with Disney and their greed.
Either remove cost of masteries reset, introduce mastery presets that might cost something to unlock, but then nothing to swap between, or make mastery reset cost gold instead of units. Asking players for units to change masteries is disgusting
And what is the reasoning behind keeping paygates on 6.1 and 6.2? Now that you have "learned by mistakes" and found out that it is a paygate? Not that I believe that in the first place that you didn't know that, I mean no one is that dumb. It was the most obvious paygate possible and kabam dares to come out and pretend it…
If they know what is good for the game and want more people to start clearing that content, then that will happen. So it probably will not happen, looking at top grossing list and how quickly they are descending from the big boys league. If the trend continues we gonna need BOTTOM GROSSING list to find mcoc without going…
This game is not worth 350 bucks from one person no matter how you look at it. The sloppy approach of developers and lack of effort to improve so many of it's very annoying shortcomings for years does not call for any gratification. I would advice to invest it in top quality food instead like @Hammerbro_64 said - organism…
@Werewrym it's in 100 days appreciation calendardans What did everyone get from the Summoner Appreciation 4* Crystal? Commentaire de DiablosUltimate août 2019
Random solo events are stupid and they should be scheduled, so we don't see something like arena wins during useless sunday arena (I would swear it's 5th week in row now?)
275 5star shards and some iso, like alwaysdans What did everyone get from the Summoner Appreciation 4* Crystal? Commentaire de DiablosUltimate août 2019
Cuz you can always get cavaliers and more 5stars later, but this offer you can only get now
No I dont need 3 points in willpower because even with just 1 point I dont lose any significant amount of health in 3-2 uncollected, and OP wanted only build for eq and arena. And maxed recoil is not suicide, because you dont take any damage if you only use sp3, and ocassional sp2 or two won't kill you neither. Most fights…
This is what I run and recommend, clearing uncollected eq on that without potions no problem. Planning to take these points from stupify, petrify and 2 points off courage to max deep wounds and recoil sometimes soon
It's fixed so now it's time to talk about compensation. I am listening
It wouldn't work, because both players would wait as long as it takes for other player to attack first, so they can get parry or intercept
You can get points and claim rewards not being us resident, but these rewards are not worth any effort anyway
That's something, but testing champions before release to make sure that they are balanced would be better
But only nightmares. And most of the time it turns out I'm actually not even sleeping, just playing the game
1) you get beneficial effects no matter what, so you can play double immune champions and enjoy attack boost 2) read 1) 3) you do get increased damage on sp3, and you also do get damage from recoil (unless it's a killing blow, then recoil doesn't trigger)