HerizonHaze ★
It’s still laggy as hell… framedrops are so bad, can’t even finish a fight…
Is it fixed ?
Ok thx… didn’t realized it over the years now ^^
Nah, it’s like your Last 4 Hits do so much damage that in Theorie the fifth Hit have to kill them, but they last at 1% that’s the point. I have hundreds of screenshots...
Samsung Support said its a fault on kabams side
Ingame: HerizonHaze Android 10 Galaxy A70 Latest Gameversion Problem: It wont let me login with mobile data Only with Wifi... so its not "mobile" anymore
I cant login with mobile data. Only with Wifi. When i have logged in with Wifi, i can Switch back to mobile data. But why does the login with mobile data dont work ????
I cant Login... Android 10 samsung a70 Ingame HerizonHaze
At all a70 users, go to your settings, click on software-update and install it. There is a new one available that fixes the Problem!
It still pops up... which Update? Show us a proof or stop trolling..
I'm sick and tired of this...
Ingamename HerizonHaze Android 10 Samsung A70 Now, i cant even log in.... its stuck....
Just Rate the game with 1* in your AppStore... They dont care about us
Ingame: HerizonHaze Android 10 Samsung A70 Latest Gameupdate Everywhere lose connection. It seems that when no input is given in form from tapping at the Screen, the game lose the connection... So i've chatted today with the samsung Support. Ive described them the Problem with MCoC, that i lose the connection after a…
IngameName: HerizonHaze Android 10 Samsung A70 Latest Gameversion Gamemode: everywhere.... but you know that already.. these connection issues will never get fixed huh? Why you, kabam, didnt say it then? Say it loud. Say that you have no time for the A70 Users. Say that you dont need us. Than we can quit in peace and…
Ingamename: HerizonHaze Android 10 Samsung A70 Latest Gameversion Gamemode: everywhere It keeps disconnecting in every aspect of the game.... I recieved some compensation but the bug isnt fixed
IngameName: HerizonHaze Android 10 Samsung Galaxy A70 Latest Gameversion Its literally everywhere in the game... AQ SideEvent MonthlyQuest And many other aspects... in the CrystalTab Itemtab. In the Shop and it goes on and on and on...
Ingame Name: HerizonHaze Android 10 Samsung Galaxy A70 Latest Gameversion In every aspect of the game the red icon appears. Its no fun anymore...
It still loses connection IngameName: HerizonHaze Android 10 Latest Gameversion. Gamemode: everywhere. When i'm in the Mainpage and let it sit, after a while it disconnects Mir jetzt auch egal, ich poste jeden Tag bis der Bug gefixt ist. I dont care, i'm gonna post every day till this bug is fixes. ITS A SHAME!
Now the game is crashed completely Device: Samsung A70 android 10 Latest Gameversion
It keeps disconnecting. On the Mainpage in the game, when Indonesien nothing just looking it randomly lose connection. Even in the Crystaltab i scroll Down and get disconnected... Samsung A70 Android 10 Latest GameVersion IngameName: HerizonHaze (second account: Bantu!) __________________________________________________…
IngameName: HerizonHaze Device: Samsung Galaxy A70 (Modell: SM-A705FN) (there are different versions) OperatingSystem: Android 10 Cellular/WiFi: Both the same Problem GameVersion: 26.1.1 GameMode: Everywhere. Only in fights they ended after 2-5 hits it connects good. Every other longer fight disconnect at the end... it…
What are you guys doing.... fix the Problem!! Incursions are live for 2 days now and we cant play it
Now, the incursions are live, i cant play on my device.my alliance Think about to Kick me, i lose a lot of rewards.... All problems on my Samsung Galaxy A70 Android 10 | Gamevers. 26.1 What is the Problem with the Game and the A70?? What i have to do now ? In High-tier you cant risk 3 4 5 days without grinding.....
Ingame-Name: HerizonHaze Device: Galaxy A70 Android 10 Cellular or wifi: on both Game Version: 26.1 (latest) Description: At the end of every fight, the red icon pops up and it Kick me out the game